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"A CALLER? MY APOLOGIES, BUT THERE MUST BE A MISTAKE" Mercy Reeves announced but still not failing to be completely in awe at the enchanting vision before him.

When Francesca saw him enter that door, she felt her whole world paralyzed and her heart slipped from her hands like porcelain onto the floor. She dared to look at the man who probably had heard her conversation and now stood there, tall, dark, and enigmatic, a hesitant but polite smile across his lips until his eyes landed on her.

She opened her mouth to speak, but her voice failed her.

"Oh, you're not a caller?" Violet said a bit disappointed, failing to notice her daughter's amusement at the stranger.

"Mercy Reeves?"Hyacinth widened her eyes and gazed upon Lady Whistledown's pamphlet. "It's you! You're the musician from Lady Danbury's soireé!"She announced excitedly.

Mercy felt a bit overwhelmed by the sudden attention of the ladies in the room but still managed to smile politely and nod in affirmation. "Indeed, please allow me to formally introduce myself" He established as a true gentleman "I'm Mercy Reeves, I was requested by the Viscount of Bridgerton and his second eldest brother to give pianoforte lessons to one of his sisters."

At that moment Francesca almost lost her balance completely, eyes lost to oblivion, mouth almost open as she tried to process what she had just heard.

"Oh! So you're the instructor Anthony talked about, yes, we were waiting for you" Violet smiled sweetly. "And you arrived even earlier."

"I'd never dare to show up late to an appointment."

Violet appreciated his gesture and quickly asked one of the maids to make some tea for their guests. "I did not know Anthony would hire such a talented musician, I'm quite surprised." She said kindly. "Well, allow me to introduce you to your student." She turned around to see her daughter still stuck in the same place, hands glued to one another as she nervously looked at them. "My daughter, Francesca."

It took a while for Francesca to finally acknowledge that she needed to greet her newest instructor. And it took quite a while for Mercy's eyes to leave the woman's figure after all. She was even more delicate in the daylight, eyes blue as the open wide sea, a perfectly sculpted face as a statue's, rosed cheeks and soft pink lips that could envy any rival debutante, and dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders in a brown shade that contoured her features. It would be fair for him to declare that this, was by far, the most alluring woman he had ever seen, and worse, than he would ever see.

And she was a noble, and his student.

"Miss Bridgerton" He bowed gently, eyes making eye contact with hers for a single moment before she quickly avoided them. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope our lessons may help you progress in your musical skills. I'll do all within my reach to assure it."

Hyacinth sighed with a silly smile over the scene, and who wouldn't? It isn't every day a charming stranger comes to visit their home.

"That is very kind of you, Mr.Reeves." Francesca nodded still terribly quiet. "I appreciate it. I hope I can honor your efforts."

"Well, now that introductions have been made-"Violet tried to speak.

"Mr.Reeves, will you come to our home every day to teach Francesca now?" Hyacinth cut off her mother's sentence.

"Hyacinth" Violet called her out.

"It is no issue, Lady Bridgerton." He politely bounced over Hyacinth's crescent anxiety. "To answer your question, Miss Bridgerton, I have been told, by Lord Bridgerton, to maintain the lessons in your home, just as the previous instructor used to." He then gazed at Francesca still silent. "That is if it's Miss Francesca's wish."

[2] 𝙂𝙐𝙄𝙇𝙏𝙔 𝘼𝙎 𝙎𝙄𝙉? | Francesca BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now