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A BLACK TAIL MADE HIM SNEEZE. A furry vision was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes in the morning, the living being making sounds, purring and scratching him with its' fluffy paws.

"Sharp." Mercy Reeves complained as his black cat continued to 'meow' to make him wake up. "Sharp, for God's sake, I'll feed you, stop scratching me" But the cat pratically lied on his bare muscular chest, not allowing him to move. Mercy sighed. "How am I going to be able to get up now?"He raised an eyebrow at his feline son. "Sharp, get up." He pleaded. "Shaaaarp." And the cat did not care one bit about his begging.

It took 30 minutes for Mercy to have courage to take the adorable cat from his chest and place it back on the floor with delicacy, so the feline with only 3 legs would be balanced. Then, he put a shirt and walked straight to the kitchen, visualizing his only servant, Miss Dorothy Fickle watering a plant vase.

"Mr.Reeves, good morning!" The elderly woman smiled to him, her hands trembling to hold the watering can because of her natural disease. "I see Sharp has already waken you up, good boy" She smiled to the cat who purred to her, rubbing himself against her legs.

"Good morning, Miss Fickle." Mercy yawned while stretching his arms, looking at the window outside, where a grey sky stook over London. "Looks like the rain is coming to town."

"Do you have bussiness to attend today?" She asked as she served the breakfest on the table, her hands almost failed, but the man gently helped her. "Thank you."She smiled grateful. "I am very sorry, my condition-"

"It is no issue."He calmly established as the woman looked at him gladly. "I may go downtown to buy new fabric for our project."

"Oh, I can not wait!" She said excitedly as Mercy sat down to eat. "How is it?" He made a thumbs up and delightmed faces, the woman chortled. "You exaggerate, child." She shook her head. "How was the concert last night? Did you enjoy yourself?"

He swallowed the food fastly. "Enjoy is a strong word. I did what i had to do and left." Mercy only responded as he resumed his breakfest.

"Oh, for god's sake, Mr.Reeves." She sighed annoyed and sat down in front of him. "You were between the richest of society and did not even savor the moment?" She questioned but he didn't change his posture. "Have you at least tried to dance with some lady?" She smirked.

At this moment, a flash of beauty passed through his mind, a delicate feature overwhelmed by the crowd who stood there, in the middle of the night just by his side. What a sight. How was it even possible to exist such beauty? And to witness it? He was definetely blessed to be there, at the certain fragment of time, breathing the same air as such an angelical creature.

But he needed to remind himself that although as radiant as she appeared to be, she was still one of them.

"Do not speak nonsense, Dorothy, I was working, not searching for a wife." He finished his food and the maid quickly took the dish from his hands. "Besides, those people are nothing but shallow creatures who only love themselves."

Dorothy sighed, clicking her tongue with disapproval. "One day I'll die-

"Well that's new."He joked.

"Listen." She slapped him with a dish drying fabric and he chuckled. "One day I'll die and you'll be here, alone in this house. Is that what you want?"

"I'll finally have some peace!"He mocked her again and Dorothy almost threw her shoe at him."Calm down, Miss Fickle! I am certain you'll outlive us all, perhaps you are immortal even."

"So much arrogance." She sighed and shook her head.

Mercy quickly grabbed his coat by the door, searching everywhere for the boots that Miss Fickle always put in a different place. The chilly air seemed to get colder by the minute, and he didn-'t wish to be late so he wouldn't be in the most crowded hour where the nobles would go shopping. The morning, the lonely time of it, where eonly the birds could be heard in distance, was the perfect time of the day for him.

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