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Francesca smiled as she progressively played the chords, the world seemed colorful and bright, and she pressed the keys with such peacefulness that she could ignore easily as her mother told the maids to prepare some special desserts for Lord Samadani, who would probably call upon her that morning.

"That is wonderful." Mercy praised with a smirk as he watched his perfect student continue to shine, his eyes not leaving hers for a minute.

Her melodies, her skill, it almost took his breath away. Never in the music industry, he spent so long in all these years, he had met someone so extraordinary as Francesca. Her love for music was simply otherwordly.

As she ended the melody she flexed her tired fingers as Mercy chortled softly. "Would you like to take a break now, Miss Bridgerton?"

"Oh..."She let out a bit of frustration. "I can do a few more minutes, I am fine." She lied as she was too excited to stop now.

"I believe you deserve some rest, Miss Bridgerton. I insist. Let's make a quick pause." Mercy replied instead and Francesca pouted but obeyed, making him smile at her moody behaviour.

By the time Francesca left the piano stool, Hyacinth stole some cookies in secrecy from the table at the center, already devouring the meal before the caller arrived.

"Mr.Reeves, would you like some cookies?" She offered, as by now Mercy was already used to her interferences. According to Lady Bridgerton, Hyacinth had already wished to have him give her lessons, but Francesca asked to have her instructor be exclusive and not distracted.

His stomach did growl at her offer, but it seemed quite impolite for him to take the meal of an upcoming gentleman, even if that man could buy a thousand more cookies than him.

"That is very kind, but I must refuse."

"You should eat some." Francesca insisted insisted, landing a muffin on his hand with no warning. "Would you like some tea as well, Mr.Reeves?"

His cheeks blushed at her courtesy, a man like him was hardly pampered if not by his old maid who looked more like a motherly figure who scolded him if he ate too much. And the fact that it was Francesca, of all people, who treated him so gently, made him oblivious for a minute.

"Oh...no there's no need...thank you, Miss Bridgerton."

"Mr.Reeves I must ask something that's been stuck on my head for quite some time," Hyacinth said instead, as Eloise, who read at the corner already made a face fearing her next comment.

"Well, go ahead and ask." He responded unbothered.

"Do you have some sort of animal?" She raised an eyebrow. "Eloise and I discussed that you have some black fur on your clothes sometimes, even if unnoticeable since you only wear dark colors."

"Hyacinth!" Violet called her out.

But Mercy didn't seem affected by her question, instead, he laughed out loud. "It is no issue, Lady Bridgerton." He waves his hand to express it. "Miss Hyacinth and Miss Eloise, I do have an animal." Francesca looked at him curious. "I have a black cat, his name is Sharp."

"Sharp?" Gregory asked confused.

"It is an allusion to the piano." Francesca giggled as Mercy smiled at her quick thinking. Eloise rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I must see it! Bring him someday Mr.Reeves, pleeeease!" Hyacinth begged.

Before Violet could educate her once again, Mercy dealt with the situation. "I'd love to, but Sharp is a very fragile little fellow. He was born with only three legs." The others looked amused. "So it is hard to make him travel with me. He is secluded mostly in my home to stay safe."

[2] 𝙂𝙐𝙄𝙇𝙏𝙔 𝘼𝙎 𝙎𝙄𝙉? | Francesca BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now