Chapter Nine.

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Oh, goodness. Finally able to catch a deep breath.

But I feel my heart racing wildly. 

I mean, it's not every day that fate decides to play its hand so dramatically. I still can't quite wrap my head around it.

No way it's real, right?

There's no way my first love from university just randomly shows up at a club, and then, the very next day, he reappears in my life as my freaking boss.

Oh, not just that, but he's the boss of all bosses.

Bonkers, indeed.

I try to maintain an air of productivity at my desk, typing away at breakneck speed with my mind racing at a million miles per hour when amidst the internal chaos, a vivid memory suddenly floods my thoughts: me waking up to find him sprawled shirtless beside me, followed by a breakfast of pancakes together. 

"But let's be clear, mister, this changes nothing. After this, we go our separate ways, got it?"  

The recollection hits me like a ton of bricks, causing me to involuntarily slam on the keys, bringing my frenzied typing to an abrupt halt. What the heck! I recoil, feeling my eyes widen, and my cheeks flush, then clench my fists tighter, resisting the urge to slam my head on the table. 

Talk about embarrassing. I must have appeared like a total fool to him. 

I let out a quiet groan only to sneak a glance at the entrance. 

He was right there just two hours ago, commanding the space with his powerful presence. His charcoal suit perfectly accentuated every inch of his strong frame, and every step he took exuded confidence and grace, yet despite the passing years, he seemed unchanged, emanating a sense of longing and a hint of sadness, as if shouldering the weight of experience. And I swear the situation was beyond surreal. It felt like a scene from a Bollywood movie that I half-expected violins to start playing in the background when we exchanged locked eyes across the office floor. His were gray with speckles of sapphire but so intense that they seemed to see right through me, making my heart race, and for a fleeting moment, time stood still. I just couldn't tear my gaze away, reminding me of memories of happier times, or at least, what I thought were happy moments, and stirred up emotions I had long tried to forget.

I wonder... if he still recalls the stolen kisses in the library stacks or the late-night conversations about our deepest dreams and fears. 

Or has he conveniently filed those away in the dusty archives of the past?

I know he has ascended to a position of great influence and power. I mean, he's the CEO, for heaven's sake, exuding an aura of authority and strength that feels incredibly intimidating. But to me, Heath McConnell has always seemed so far beyond my reach, and today, it feels just that. Who would have thought that this man was mine? Or was he ever really mine? I can't even... and that faint, enigmatic smile he offered me felt like both a lifeline and a noose, pulling me back into a past I longed to escape.

Everything just feels so overwhelming! 

I mean, is this some contrived scene from a clichéd romance novel? 

I let out a sigh, my finger tapping the button almost involuntarily. The latest draft of my report is now safely stored, but then my attention wavers. The office is currently an absolute madhouse at the moment; a bustling hive of whispers and hushed conversations. Lisa, my supervisor, is holding court with a couple of coworkers, huddling together like a secret society, and she's practically beaming, her eyes sparkling like she's discovered a hidden treasure. 

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