Chapter Ten.

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There are times when I find myself in an absolutely hammered state, and then there are times when I just get a tad bit tipsy. Let me tell you, there's just something so delightful about this light-headed, carefree feeling that I love. A certain allure to it, magical even, and this whimsical sensation flowing through your veins, and in Jennie's words, makes me a lot more 'chill and fun' and a little less 'uptight.' 

And right now, I feel exactly that—like all my worries just evaporate out of my head. Poof! Disappearing. At least for a little while. Thanks to... um, let's just say I've lost count after downing at least four, or was it five, no, maybe six bottles of beer? 

Anyway, whatever the number, I'm definitely feeling it! I raise the pint glass to my lips, taking a swig of the amber liquid. Its cool, fiery path down my throat sends a thrilling shiver racing through my spine, perfectly matching the images of a certain individual with enchanting gray eyes flecked with sapphire. Drat! Just when I thought I had him out of my mind! 

I take another sip of my drink as I lean back on the bar stool, and my eyes wander to the window. Outside, the waning afternoon sun bathes the city in a mesmerizing golden hue, casting long, stretching shadows as the urban pulse thrums with life. I watch the people hustle and bustle, moving to the beat of the city's energy, and it's moments like these that make me cherish living in metropolises, whether it's Mumbai or New York - amidst this chaos, I find solace in the stillness of watching the world go by, to be an observer in a sea of endless motion.

Yet, nothing seems to be working today to find some peace. It's like every little thing seems hell-bent on summoning memories of him. I mean, take when I walked out of my office and caught a glimpse of a lovely couple leisurely strolling by, and suddenly I'm engulfed in memories of his arm wrapped around my waist, our footsteps perfectly synchronized. The aroma of hotdogs changes into the faintest scent of his cologne, and a passing taxi with a crack in its windshield instantly takes me back to that night we danced and shared our very first kiss. I'm just unable to escape these, both beautiful and tainted, memories consuming my thoughts of how his deep voice makes my heart skip a beat, his touch leaves tingles on my skin, and how much I treasured to be in his embrace, taking in his scent, and kissing his rosy lips, and of how his steel-gray eyes pierced into mine with unwavering intensity. And I still can't shake the image of his elegant, ethereal presence... someone beyond my reach, as always. 

I slump my head against the cool glass, releasing a heavy sigh. I'm an idiot, such an idiot. Why is it so hard to push him out of my mind and bury him deeper in my memories?

"Hey, there, gorgeous!" a voice pierces through the animated buzz of the bar patrons. 

I look up, seeing a man with broad shoulders and an average build, and as he catches my gaze, a disarming smile plays upon his lips. "Andy!" I squeal in a slightly high-pitched tone, feeling like I've just chugged a gallon of helium. I tilt my head and flash a mischievous grin as I unleash my inner Joey Tribbiani with a "How you doin'?"

He tosses his coffee-colored hair, and his hazel eyes sparkle as he releases a chuckle. "I'm grand!" he says, then eases closer, "What brings you here, sweetums?" Normally, I wouldn't, but right then and there, I can't help it as a snort escapes me, which catches him off guard. I raise my eyebrow quizzically and quip, "Sweetums? Really? What are you, a grandpa?"

He gives an exasperated eye roll, his charming smile still firmly in place until his gaze lands on six haphazardly lined up bottles on the table. His expression switches from amusement to concern in the blink of an eye as he turns to me, like assessing me. I swear I can practically hear the mental calculations inside his brain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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