Chapter 26

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Phuwin pov

As Pond said that he's gonna tell the truth to Joong  and about to get up from his chair I quickly  grabbed his hand and shouted at him.....I know he loves Dunk and  he doesn’t want to keep this hide from Joong as he also knows that I like’s not that I already forgot Joong....actually I don’t think so It'll be possible because after all he's my childhood best friend and also my first love but after knowing that Joong and dunk love each other I can’t tell the truth to Joong by myself....whenever Dunk will feel comfortable he'll tell Joong

Pond and I were sitting on a table.....while arguing with each other I almost forgot about others....looking for them I saw perth and Chimon were coming towards us and as they reached us Perth gave me a bottle of green tea....this could he always remember what I would like

After they sat with us I noticed Joong and Dunk were also coming towards us

"Oii Phu....why all of you left us there huh?"..... Said Dunk and sat on a chair

"You were taking too much time to buy things...we got exhausted so we were sitting here waiting for you two"....said Perth

"Auu....aii Phu you’re drinking green tea...where is mine huh?" asked Dunk while pointing at the bottle on my hand

"Aww....Perth brought this for me"..... I said

"Ohoo.....aii Pond gets me a bottle of green tea too" said dunk

"I'm too lazy....go tell your Mr.America to buy it for you" said Pond and gave an intense glance at Joong

Joong pov

I really don’t know what was happening with me but whenever I saw Perth's concern towards Phuwin my blood was boiling itself.....honestly the way Perth hugged Phuwin after seeing him and Phuwin was hugging him back while smiling at him I didn't like that......I think Phuwin also likes him....but why did I feel bad! and this Pond boy....god knows what his problem is with me....whenever he was looking at me his face automatically turned into an annoyed face.....I couldn't figure it out

Phuwin was looking so happy with his friends and maybe after meeting Perth.....did he really like Perth?

What’s wrong with me huh....Phuwin can like anyone he wants right? Why am I thinking so much

"Uhh....I think we should go home now".....I said as I got exhausted thinking about so many things

"Uhh...actually yeah I think he's right".... Said Phuwin and looked at his watch

"Let's go Chimon...Dunk".... Phuwin again said

"Uhh....okay okay....aiii Pond and Perth don’t be late for party okay!"..... Said Dunk while got up from chair

" no problem we'll be on time".... Said Perth and four of us left from there


After four of them came back home they got ready as guests were starting to come......they got ready and came downstairs.....everyone came and whished Dunk

"Happy Birthday"....said Nanon....Phuwin's cousin brother

"Huii...p'nanon I thought you wouldn’t come thank you".... Said Dunk while hugging Nanon

"I thought Phu won't be here to attend you birthday so if even I wouldn’t come you’ll cry for sure!".... Said Nanon while teasing Dunk

They are very close to eachother from childhood as Dunk and Phuwin lives in one house

"Auu and who told you that I wouldn’t attend Dunk's birthday party huh!".... Said Phuwin came from behind

"Heyy Phu".... Said Nanon hugged Phuwin and he also hugged Nanon back

Then Chimon and Joong also introduced with Nanon....they did some chitchat.....Pond and Perth were also there after so many conversation they complete their dinner together....after that everyone left including Perth Pond and nanon

Joong pov

I was sitting on the sofa looking at Phuwin for a long time unconsciously.....he's really something.. after a while someone called me from behind and it break my thought and I realized what I was doing....looking at that person I saw Dunk

"Aii Mr.America....Joong...." he shouted at me but not so loudly

"Alaina....sorry I didn’t hear you".... I apologised

"Humm mai pen rai....can you come to the terrace with me?"....Dunk asked with a soft tone

"Uhh...right now?’re not feeling tired?"..... I asked as he really looked so tired

"Mai...I have to tell you something important....please come na!".... He insisted so I went with him

As we reached to the terrace Dunk immediately hugged me and said

"Thank you for coming to my birthday Joong"....He said with a warm voice but his sudden action make me startled

" are welcome!".... I said while breaking the hug....actually the hug was very warm and I wanted to hug him since I started fell for him

"You remeber...when you tried to hug me from airport what I said to you?".... Dunk asked while holding my hands....I really didn’t know what's going on so I just stand there saying nothing just listening to him

"I told you to win my heart first!....and today I hugged you because you already did it!!....said Dunk shyly and again hugged me so tightly

"Aii you understand what I mean?".....He asked me while still hugging me and I couldn’t think of anything did he Just confess to me but....

"I love you Joong".....Dunk said while breaking the hug

After heard that I was standing there like a statue.....I was waiting for this day from my childhood but when this time finally came and Dunk is confessing his feelings to me why I'm not ready to answer.....what's wrong with you aii also love Dunk right

"Joong...." Dunk called

"Aa...uhh..." I answered I was dumfounded

"Did you even hear what I said huh!".....Dunk asked with a sulky tone

"Ahh....Dun...nk uh..." I didn’t know what to say why I'm feeling so helpless

"Whatever.....just give me your answer tomorrow".... He said kissed my cheek and ran to downstairs

I was standing there for a while....trying to figure out what just happened...why I couldn’t answer to Dunk....I like him too then why I couldn’t tell him directly.....he kissed my cheek and I didn’t even vibrate....UGHHH WHATS WRONG WITH YOU JOONG HUH

Without knowing I cried for some time then I went downstairs as tomorrow is our flight and I had to pack as I went downstairs I saw Phuwin was sitting on the sofa while talking to Chimon I don’t know why but I wanted to hold him and wanted to talk to I was about to went towards my room suddenly Phuwin came to me and for the first time when he was walking towards me suddenly my heart started beating so fast....I couldn’t figure out

"Joong where were you....I was looking for you...go get some rest we have flight tomorrow".....Said Phuwin with a concern tone

"Uhh...." I couldn’t talk as my heart was beating fast

"Are you okay....your eyes are looking so red....did you just cry?"...... Phuwin asked so many questions in one time with a worried tone

"’s okay.... I'm okay it’s nothing Phuwin".... I said with soft voice as I saw him worried

"Are you sure?".... Asked Phuwin

"Khrub".... I said

"Then fan de nah....get a good rest".... Said Phuwin and left

" de nah".... I said and went to my room

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