Chapter 2The Shadow Entity Unleashed

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Lyra leaned in her voice barely audible. "Caesar, there's something you should know, something that could change everything".

I nodded my heart racing with anticipation. "The city's government, the Council of Shadows, they're not what they seem, Caesar" Lyra said. "They're hiding a dark secret, a powerful source that could destroy us all".

I felt a shiver run down my spine. The woman was scaring me. "What is it?" I mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper.

Lyra glanced the room as if checking for unwanted listeners. "It's called the Shadow Entity" she said. "A being of pure darkness, created by the city founders to maintain control and order".

I gasped my mind reeling with the implications. "What do you mean by 'created'?"

Lyra's eyes locked onto mine, her faze intense. "The founders made a pact with a dark force, trading power and control for a piece of their souls, and that force Caesar is the Shadow of Entity".

I felt my blood drain as I tried to absorb what she just explained. Psychologically I heard her speaking but emotionally and physically I was in a different world hearing all her rumblings in a light small voice unlike the voice of Lyra DeMoronne.

"What does it want?" I managed to asked when I found my tongue after minutes of silence. Lyra's voice dropped to a total whisper.

"It wants to consume as all, to absorb our souls and become invincible and the Council of Shadows will stop at nothing to feed that beast, that make it satisfied. I felt a wave of horror wash over me.

"We have to stop them" I said with determination burning within me. Yes, I badly wanted to stop these devils but the problem was how? How was I to kill them, I mean people with magic. This was terrific.

The death of my younger sister, Tema fulled me into killing them if that was the last thing I would be doing on this earth, I would gladly do so without remorse.

Lyra nodded, a fierce glint in her eyes. Did I ever mention I feared her eyes, it was horribly scary. "We will Caesar, together we will bring down the Council and shatter the Shadows Entity's hold on our city".

And with that our rebellion was born. With Lyra's words, the room erupted into a furry of activities. Reble's scrambled to prepare for the battle ahead, gathering weapons and supplies.

I stood tall my heart pounding with a mixed feeling of fear, excitement and revenge.

Katoel approached me, a small smile on his handsome face. "Caesar, you're one of us now. Welcome to the Rebel's Den". I nodded, feeling a sense of belonging I'd never felt before.

The only person who made me feel such emotions was Mother and Tema and now they weren't by my side. I had to muster up courage and do this , fight these demons paroling around the walls of Malumbra.

Lyra's voice rang across the room. "Rebels, assembly! We march on the Council of Shadows tonight!"

The room erupted into cheers and I voluntarily chipped in, my voice hoarse from shouting.

Wait, why was I happy?  I should be scared, nervous, terrified all sorts of words to describe my fear, that was what I should be feeling by now. But I was getting happy, okay, I think I should be happy. Whatever.

The air was electric with tension as we marched towards the Council of Shadows headquarters. Out rebel group, now moved in unison, our footsteps echoing off the buildings.

Lyra led the charge her eyes blazing with a fierce hot intensity. As we approached the council stronghold a towering structure of black stone and twisted spires, a strange pulsating glow emanated from within. The Shadow Entity, sensing our presence stirred from its deep slumber.

"Caesar, stay close" Katoel whispered hotly against my neck, his hot breath fanning my neck as his hands rested in my left shoulder. What was this feeling? "This will get ugly" he warned pulling me closer to himself separating us by a hair's breath.

We burst into the council chambers, our weapons at ready. The Council of Shadows sat atop a dais, sneered at us with contempt.

....and then the Shadow Entity emerged its dark firm coalescing into a pure being of malevolence.

"Foolish rebels" it hissed, its voice like a cold wind after a night's rain. His voice alone brought goosebumps and sent a wave of fear through my body, internally and externally.

"You dare challenge our authority?" Lyra stepped forward her sword flashing in the dim light. "We'll never bow to your darkness again. For freedom!!"

She shouted surging forward striking her first blow. The council's minions, armed with dark steel swords and shields rushed to defend their masters.

Katoel and I fought side by side our blades clashing with the minions in a furry of steel and sparks. The sound of ringing metals and sound of efforts filled the air.

But the Shadow Entity was not to be underestimated. It began to writhe and twist its darkness seeping into the fabric of our very souls. I felt its presence like a cold wind trying to freeze my heart and shatter my will.

I parried a blow from a minion, but the Entity's darkness made my sword feel heavy and unresponsive. I stumbled back, gasping for breath, as the entity's tendrils snaked around my ankles trying to grip me.

Was I that light-weighted? Naa, I was heavier than this, the entity was probably suffering from carrying me with one hand but it just tried to show supremacy. How idiotic.

Lyra shouted a warning but I was too slow. The entity's darkness slammed me into the stone floor my head spinning in pain.

When I looked up Katoel was facing off the entity, his sword shinning a faint light. But the entity was too powerful, its darkness closing in on him like a shroud. I needed to offer him help.

I struggled to my feet, my head pounding charged forward the entity to help. The entity's tendrils lashed out trying to knock me back, but I dodged and weaved, striking back with all might.

Just when I thought we had the upper hand the entity unleashed a devastating blast of darkness sending us flying across the room. I landed hard in the floor with my already spinning head. I swear I could hear a bone go 'krrr'. I won't be surprised if I broke a bone.

As I struggled to my feet, I saw Lyra facing off the entity but again, the entity was too powerful, its darkness closing in her like a shroud.

I found Katoel lying a few feet away from me. What sacred me the most was that he wasn't moving an inch. He's not dead is he? No he's not, he can't be dead. I haven't told him to explain to me how he knew my name and knew I was a girl.

"Ka..ka...kato...katoel...katoel...wake ....wake up... please". I cried pleadingly stretching my arms and legs on the floor trying to reach him. I was basically crawling on the floor which was one thing I hated. Damn, the cloak costed me six hundred dollars.

And then, just when everything seemed lost, a mysterious figure appeared, wielding his sword that shone  bright like stars. Together we managed to dive the Shadow Entity back, not before it unleashed a final, deathly blow...

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