Chapter 3 Time Of The Founders

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As the Shadow Entity's darkness receded, we stood panting, our swords still trembling with the force of our final blow. Lyra approached the mysterious figure, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Who are you?" she demanded. "How did you wield that sword?" The figure slowly sheathed their sword. "I am Lucian" he said his voice low and mysterious as though he didn't want to speak.

"And this sword.... is a weapon of the ancient ones".

Katoel's loud cough echoed through the room which made me snap my head to my right to see him groaning lowly in pains. "Katoel how are you-?"

Katoel's eyes widened in awe. "A weapon from the ancient ones?You mean from the time of the Founders?"

Was this guy kidding me? I cried a bucket full of tears thinking he was dead and how dare him cut me off? He must be sick in his brains.

I hated him, I swear that once we are back home safely just remember me to break a bone when we're back home safe and sound off that skinny divided pencils he calls his legs.

Lucian nodded. "The same. And with it...." He hesitated for a second studying their expressions to make sure they we're listening. "And with it we can all defeat the Shadow Entity once and for all".

Lyra's gaze lingered on Lucian, her expression unreadable.

"We'll need to discuss this matter further" she finally said. "But first, we need to tend to our wounded and regroup".

As we tended to our wounded rebellion members and regrouped, I couldn't help but wonder about Lucian and his mysterious yet beautiful sword.

Who were they really and what secrets lay hidden and in their past?

"Hey" Katoel said elbowing me on the right ribs. "Fuck you" I spat at him walking away from him to join the others.

"Hey.. what's wrong?" I ignored him. What was wrong. Was he blind or something?

Just as we were about to leave the council chamber, a faint whisper echoed through the halls.

"The Shadow Entity will return.... and next time, you would not be so lucky, Madagascar".

I spun around in fear, shock, as my knees weakened in complete total fear. Checking around I saw nothing neither was there a human. Absolutely nothing.

How did he know my surname? The whisper seemed to come from all around us, echoing off the very walls themselves.

Lyra's eyes locked onto mine, her gaze fierce. Her eyes in-fact were fiercely looking. "We need to get out of her now. The Shadow Entity may be defeated but it's shadows still lingers... and we don't know what other dangers lie ahead of us".

With that, we fled the council chamber, our footsteps echoing through the dark and deserted halls of the Council of Shadows stronghold.

We knew we had to put as much distance between ourselves and the Shadow Entity as well. "Where are we going?" I asked Lyra, my breath coming out in a ragged gasps. "The Rebel's Den" she simply answered making me sound kinda stupid.

Her eyes searched the darkness for any sign of pursuit. "It's our safest bet". We kept running for what seemed like hours, our legs aching and lungs burning out. Wait, was it just me or someone else did feel tired. Okay maybe just me whatever.

Finally, I saw the familiar sign of the Den, a small flickering torch in the window of a nondescript building.

We burst through the door slamming it shut behind us. The Den was empty except for a few rebels, huddled in a corner whispering among themselves.

"Lyra, what happened?" One of them which I recognized to be Treasure asked in fear. "The Shadow Entity" she replied, her voice grim.

"It's getting stronger, we need to come up with a new plan...and fast".

As we gathered around the table, Lucian appeared to be sitting by my side, their sword shining with light.

"I think I can help with that" they said their voice low and mysterious. His voice sounded like that of a whole congregation to me, maybe he was one a in a billion person.

Lucian began to unfold a large map of the city pointing out key locations and strategic points. "We need to hit the Shadow Entity where it hurts the most" they said. "It's central core, where it's power is stronger".

Lyra nodded, her eyes scanning the map. "But how do we get past its minions and defenses?"

Lucian smiled, a hint in their eyes. "Leave that to me, I have a few tricks up my sleeve".

Katoel leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concern. "But what about the Shadow Entity itself? We can't defeat it in a straight -up fight".

Lucian's smile grew wider. "Oh I think we can. With the right weapons and right strategy..."

As they continued to outline their map, I felt a surge of hope wash within my systems. Maybe, just maybe we had a chance to defeat the Shadow Entity and save our city from darkness. But...but..but how did it know my surname of all things and why did it even call out my name.

Was my joining a good idea or a bad idea, cause it looks to me like I'm starting to get myself into trouble, something dark, ugly, disgusting and weird. Something that had to deal with....

Lucian began unfolding another map pointing to several locations. "These are the artifacts we need. They hold a key to defeating the Shadow Entity".

Katoel's eyes widened. "But they are heavily guarded by the Council's Forces".

Lucian nodded. "Which is why we need a solid plan, strategic planning. We need to split into different teams, each team targeting a different artifact".

Lyra nodded, her mind probably racing with strategies. "I'll lead the Sword of Light. Katoel you lead the team of the Shield of Courage. Caesar, you're with me".

I nodded feeling a surge of determination. We spent the next hour planning and preparing our plan for the battle ahead.

Just as we were about to finalize our plan, a loud crash echoed through the Den followed by the sound of shattering glasses and splintering woods.

The Shadow Entity's minions poured into the Den, their eyes glowing in an otherworldly light. We drew our swords, ready to face the fight of our lives.

"Protect the map!" Lyra shouted as the minions charged towards us.

We formed a tight circle around the table, our swords clashing with the minions dark steel weapons. The sound of clashing, ringing of metals grunts of efforts filled the whole air.

I parried a blow from a minion, but another struck me with a vicious kick sending me flying and crashing to the ground.

As I struggled to my feet a third minion lunged at me with a spear. Shit, it should at least wait till am up on my goddamn feet.

I raised my sword high just in time deflecting the minions spear deadly thrust. But the force of the blow sent me stumbling back, my sword trembling with fatigue.

Katoel fought with precision, his sword slicing through the minions like a hot knife through butter, but even he couldn't hold back the tide of minions for long.

Lyra's sword flashed in the dim light, striking down minion after minion. But for every one that fell, two more took its deceased place.

Lucian fought with the ferocity I had never seen before, their sword slicing through the minions with deadly efficiency. But even they couldn't hold back the sheer number of minions.

Just as all seemed lost, a loud crash echoed through the Den causing the minions to hold their attack, momentarily stunned.

We took advantage of the reprieve, striking back with renewed energy. But as we fought, I realized that our mysterious savior was none other than Lucian, who had sacrificed himself to save us.

"Lucian no!" I shouted horror-stricken as they fell to the ground, their sword slipping from their hands.

But it was too late, I was too late. The minions closed in, their darkness enveloping Lucian's lifeless body. And with that our last hope seemed to fade away...

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