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From the first person Ayanokoji

I was bleeding and, strangely enough, I felt neither pain nor fear, but only peace, as if all my senses were dulled and the sense of time was gone, I realized that all I wanted was no longer for me to get and I was ready to die.

How did I get into this situation, you ask, well, let me tell you.

I was in the third year of ANHS, graduation was approaching, I was graduating as a student of class 3A, at the end of the 2nd year I transferred to the Ichinose class and took part in all the battles of the class as a leader, at first of course there were some dissatisfactions on their part, but after I showed the result, the class began to follow my orders implicitly.

At the end of the 2nd year, I broke up with Kei Karuizawa, as I feel that my curiosity was exhausted for her further development. Ichinose tried to start a relationship with me, but I told her that at the moment I was moving away from my previous relationship and was not ready for a new one, but I was ready to remain friends, of course she was unhappy, I'm almost sure she was crying after our meeting, but she agreed to remain friends. In the end, I never managed to find the resistance I needed here, Ryuen and Sakayanagi joined forces against me in the middle of the 3rd year, when I started to catch up with them, Horikita Suzune did not fully meet my expectations, although she became much better since the beginning of our school, we can even say that she began to catch up Horikita Manabu, but it wasn't enough, and her class dropped to 3C.

There were several exceptions in Ryuen's class at the end of the 2nd year and the beginning of the 3rd year, as a result, 30 students remained in his class. And how he surprised everyone when, a few days before the end of the 3rd year, he transferred all his classmates to my class, unfortunately the school decided that at least one student should remain in the class and Ryuen remained in this class in secret from his class, transferring them. His class was very surprised when his decision was announced to them the next day, because he was known as the tyrant of our course, but they were all grateful to him.There were also some changes in Sakayanagi's class, which eventually left 35 students in her class, but she was able to hold the leading position until some point, until our class surpassed their score on the last exam. She was a little upset, but she thanked me anyway for our last honest battle.

As a result, we graduated from school with the following results: Ichinose class with 1030 points, Sakayanagi class with 980 points, Horikita class with 940 points, Ryuena class with 80 points.
And so we all stand in front of the gates of our school, we all said goodbye, but all good things end sometime and there were 3 cars with tinted windows in front of the school, I said goodbye to everyone, Ichinose wanted to meet someday, but I explained to her that this might be our last meeting, to which she was upset, but she accepted this answer.
Well it was a fun adventure, and now it's time for me to get in the car. When I sat down, I was greeted by the face of that man.

"Did you enjoy your 3 year Kiyotaka vacation?"

"I can't say that I enjoyed it, but it was like a breath of fresh air."

"I see, I hope you're ready for that..."

Suddenly his speech was interrupted by the fact that 3 cars crashed into ours, and the first one was blown up. Our car was overturned, while I quietly got out of the broken car window, that man was just recovering. After he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a familiar face.


"Hello Professor Ayanokoji."

"Why, you betrayed me."

"I suppose a man of your stature should have guessed my reasons."


"That's right, Mr. Naoe paid more for killing you and your son in an accident, so after killing you, I will blow up the car and you will only be a reminder."

"Okay, then finish it faster."

The sound of a shot rang out, after which he looked at me hiding behind a dumpster, as he approached, I calculated the options for attacking him, as soon as he approached, I attacked him knocking the gun out of his hands, then he attacked me with simple punches, which I dodged, our fight slowly increased the pace and here our battle was already at the exhaustion of our endurance, since I was younger, after he was tired, I knocked him to the ground.

After my action, a shot sounded, I looked at the bottom of my stomach and saw a rather large bullet wound. Clearly, I should have seen this coming.

"You didn't think I'd be working alone, did you?"

Then I fell down and started bleeding.

"You were a pretty strong opponent, I've never met people like you Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, but unfortunately the human body has several weaknesses, such as a sniper rifle shot."

He took me by the collar of my jacket and began to drag me to the burning car, I realized that I had no way out of all this, especially since a lot of blood had come out of my body and my consciousness was engulfed in pitch darkness.

"So that's how my life will end."

It was quite a contradictory life, unfortunately I couldn't feel anything.

Suddenly, a chair appeared in front of me, which began to glow strongly, I had to squint to see that someone was sitting on it.

'Greetings, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, unfortunately I have to inform you that you have died." - the creature told me.

The glow stopped and there was a female creature on the chair, while I was trying to figure out if this creature was hostile, she spoke again.

"My name is Eris, I've been replacing the goddess of rebirth for a while, you have two paths."

I took a closer look at her. She was a pretty attractive girl, she had silver hair and she was quite short.

"The first way is for me to send you to heaven, the second is for me to revive you in a world filled with adventures and various dangers."

I decided to talk to her.

"What will I get if I follow the second path, and what is the condition of my rebirth?"

"I see you're a pretty cold-blooded person, not everyone reacts so well to the news of their death."  - she answered my question in surprise.

"I guess I'm always like this."

"Well, you can take any skill item or weapon that appears in front of you, and in return you will have to destroy the Demon King."

"Can you give me a minute to think?"

"Yes, of course."

I began to think, I was being teleported to a world full of dangers, but also adventures, in this world no one would be able to hold me back like that person.

"May I ask what happens after killing the Demon King?"

"You can live as you wish."

"I agree."  I answered after a moment's thought.

"Then you can choose an item, skill, or weapon from the ones offered here." - The goddess said and moved her palm.

A large number of cards appeared in front of me with the name, description and image on it. After a short look, I chose a card.

"I choose this one.  I replied, showing her the card.
A rather strange choice, well, I am the goddess Eris ready to send you to this Wonderful world, goodbye, I hope we will see each other in decades."

A glow engulfed me and I began to magically rise higher and higher, until there was a flash of light, and I opened my eyes. There was a small town in front of me.

I hope you enjoyed the prologue, I will try to keep up with writing once a week. Well, see you next week.

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