Chapter 4. The Thief

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POV Ayanokoji

When I got to the hotel, I booked a room on the top floor. When I entered the room, I was greeted by a rather deplorable picture, the room that I rented for 1 night was quite small, there was a bed with a table, and a closet was located further away, there was also a window in the room.

Putting the sword in the corner, I began to prepare for bed. After I lay down, I started waiting.

It took a couple of hours before I heard rustling in the window I had opened beforehand. After the intruder got into my room, he started checking if I was sleeping. Pretending to be asleep, I waited for his further actions, after he believed me, he turned around and headed for the sword. At the same time, I silently got out of bed and decided to knock out the offender as soon as possible and hit him hard in the neck area so that he would pass out, and I began to interrogate him.

To my surprise, it was a woman and she was experienced in these matters, because after my swing she suddenly felt me and wanted to jump away, but I was faster and made a cut with my foot, thereby knocking her down and then knocked her out.

POV Chris.

After my Kazuma training, I saw a rather strange man with brown hair, golden eyes and an impassive face sitting in a corner. But what interested me was his blade, if I remember correctly, then its name is katana, but according to my knowledge of this world there should not be such weapons here, so this weapon is an artifact that a migrant from another world receives.

I tried to remember this man and I succeeded, I think his name was Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, but what was strange was that he did not take any weapons with him, but only one skill, which seemed strange to me. But then the question remains how he got this weapon, perhaps he found it or bought it at a low price since people other than its owner cannot use it. In any case, I need to take him away, because if he stays with him, it will break all the laws that have been established for people moving here.

Deciding to keep an eye on him from a distance, I noticed a few oddities. Firstly, he was quite skilled with a sword, and secondly, he used various martial arts to cope with the task. And especially the fact that he did not use the sword at full strength, as if he did not want to reveal his full strength to the enemy. Realizing that I couldn't pick him up in a fight, I decided to steal him when he was sleeping.
After following him to the location of his rented hotel room, I decided to make a plan. After he falls asleep, I will open the lock on the door or window and once in the room I will make sure that he is asleep and using one of the thief's skills I will steal the sword and return it back to where it belongs.
I was surprised that he left the window open, at first I was wondering if he noticed me. But after he went to bed, I mistook it for an attempt to cool the room. After waiting 2 hours for him to fall asleep soundly enough, I made my way through the window and checked if he was sleeping by the number of his breaths and exhalations, since their number decreases in a dream, I made sure that he was asleep and went to the other corner of the room for a sword.
But I was suddenly struck by a realization. Why would he put a sword in the corner of the room if there is a table next to his bed? Wouldn't it be better to put him next to you, unless it's an ambush. When I turned around, I saw him, deciding to jump back and leave for a while, but he cut me down and when I was falling I felt a blow, suddenly losing consciousness.
POV Ayanokoji.
After the thief passed out, I took the rope I had prepared in advance from the closet and looked around the room and did not notice any chair to tie it. In his absence, I decided to tie her hands to the headboard of the bed, after checking her for hidden weapons, removing it, I took off her mask. As I thought, it turned out to be Chris, the one who had been following me for the last few hours, when I noticed her, she was looking at my sword strangely.
A few hours later, she woke up and my interrogation began.
"Who are you and why did you break into my room?" I asked her so as not to arouse suspicion about my knowledge of her name.
"Why should I answer your questions?" She answered my question with a question.
"Well, no matter how it is, I'm tied up now and have no way to retreat." I answered her question in a calm way, after thinking about it, she continued our dialogue.
"My name is Chris."
"And why did you decide to break into my room?"
"I wanted to steal your sword."
"And why did you need it?"
"Would you believe me if I said you liked it?"
"Depending on how sincere your answer will be." I replied sarcastically.
"I can't tell you."
"And why is that?" I asked her.
"This question concerns only me," she replied to me.
"You do realize that you're at a disadvantage, and if I don't like your answers, I can basically do anything?" Raising an eyebrow, I asked her.
"What do you mean, anything?" she asked me, scared.
"Well, starting from torture to not very ethical methods of information extraction." On the second, she suddenly trembled a little, which indicates to me a fairly effective way to extract information with her.
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you," she protested.
"Then I'll have to take advantage of it." I answered her with a sigh.
"Use what?" she asked me with fear in her voice.
Going to the bed, I sat down on it and continued the dialogue in a rather slow manner, gradually bending my fingers so that my threats sounded more intimidating.
"We can start with tortures such as tearing out nail plates, suffocation in a wet rag, we still have a lot of time." After my words, fear was visible in her eyes, I got out of bed and waited for her to speak, but apparently she is still not ready to answer my questions truthfully and quite extensively We'll have to use the old method.
"Although no, I changed my mind." After my words, she exhaled in relief, but later swallowed, because I was standing next to her and taking off my belt from my pants.
She watched my every move and hoped that all this was happening only in her dream, but I would have to upset her because this world is not fabulous, there is a hidden darkness in the depths of the world.
Later, I climbed on the bed and looked at her with all seriousness in my eyes and said threatening things to her.
"Spread your legs." After my words, she suddenly began to realize the seriousness of the situation and tried to pull away and push me away with her legs, but grabbing her legs with both hands, I pinned them to the bed.
"Why are you doing this, can you please stop?" She asked me with pity in her voice, tears of despair were ready to pour out of her eyes.
"Why are you asking me, well, since you broke into my room and tried to steal, and since I caught you, I have every right to do anything with you, up to your death. Also, if you go to court and accuse me of raping you, I will simply provide evidence of an attempt to steal my thing." No matter how ruthlessly my words sounded, I was not ashamed of their pronunciation.  
"Can we solve this issue in some other way?" She tried to get away from this delicate situation, still looking for a way to stop me.
"If you decide to tell me why you need it," I told her.
"Well, you see, it's a big secret." She objected to me.
"Is this secret worth your innocence?" I asked with curiosity in my voice.
"If I tell you, will you let me go?" She asked me with hope and bitterness in her voice.
"I'll think about it." I gave her some hope. With gnashing teeth, she said the following words to me.
"You see, I am a servant of the church of the goddess Eris and I was sent her task to steal your sword."
Her answer amazed me, because it turns out that the gods can talk to their acolytes and give them various tasks, but what was strange was that she asked to steal the sword, apparently to maintain balance In this world, they take away all the items that the migrants take with them, but I felt that this was not all.
"Are you sure that's all?" After my words, she swallowed, which indicated that I was right.
Sighing, I reached for her thighs, which were incredibly smooth, after my short manipulations, she screamed something that made me stop.
"I am the goddess Eris." She shouted in despair with tears in her eyes.
Not understanding her words, I returned my hand to holding her.
"Didn't you look different?" I asked her with disbelief in my voice, because I remember for sure that she looked different.
"Well, it's not really me, this body is just a shell, and I'm not here, since I should always be in the place where we met, and now can you please let me go?" With desperation in her voice, she asked me. Apparently, no one should know that she sometimes walks around this world in this guise, because this will entail significant problems on the part of both the church and the novices.
Releasing her hands, she pulled away and bent her legs closer to her body, apparently still not moving away from the events taking place now.
"Could you let go of my hands?" she asked me with a plea in her voice, apparently realizing that I would not take any sexual action in her direction.
"Until you answer my questions, no." Disappointed in my words, she sighed and waited for my questions.
"Why do you need sacred relics?"
"To maintain balance, and they can also be taken over by not very good people." With a sarcasm in her voice, she replied, looking at me, so it seemed to me that I had done something wrong (no).
"Don't worry, I needed your innocence, I only need answers to questions." I assured her, knowing full well that she had found out long ago.
"I've already figured that out."
"Okay, next question. Why do you come down into this world, except to maintain the balance in the world?" I asked her, because her actions were extremely unreasonable, such as friendship with Darkness, teaching Kazuma the skills of a thief, if she led a life in the shadows, it would be somewhat easier to maintain balance.
"Well, I get bored too, you know." She tried to move her arms, but it didn't work out for obvious reasons.
"I see," I replied blandly.
After a minute of silence, she asked me.
"So are you going to let me go, or are we just going to keep quiet?"
"I'll let you go on one condition." I made my demand to her.
"So what is it?"
"I will need you to fulfill some of my requests."
"Aren't you afraid of the goddess's wrath?" She asked me with interest in her voice.
"I should be punished by the wrath of the goddess anyway, so why can't I add some sins to my piggy bank?"
"Okay, but I also have conditions. You have to give me this sword and not tell me what you learned here."
"Okay, but you have to offer some kind of weapon in return."
"Can I give you my blade for a while until I find a sword that suits you, will it do?" she asked me, apparently pointing to the blade that was supposed to be Kazuma's reward.

After that, I untied her, and she stretched and took a more relaxed pose.
"Can you hand me the sword?" she asked me.
"Can't you come and get it yourself?" With laziness in my voice, I asked her to indicate that I don't want to waste energy and since I won't be able to rest enough today, I'll have to take care of it throughout the day.
"I'm afraid someone might knock me out." She replied to me with a grin.
Getting up, I went to the sword and picked it up, went to Chris and gave it back, after which it lit up and disappeared in her hands. She picked up all her weapons and handed me my temporary blade.
Thanking her, I gave her her first task, and she grinned and asked why I needed it, to which I did not answer her, after which she disappeared from my room and I closed the window and decided to rest, because tomorrow promises to be quite energy-consuming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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