Chapter 1. The first days in the new world

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From the first person Ayanokoji

After I arrived in the city, I decided to gather some information by quietly eavesdropping on the conversations of the local population.

It turned out that I am in a certain city of Axel of the Belzerg kingdom, this city is considered quite calm, since it is located at a sufficient distance from the army of the Demon king.

While searching for information, I met a group of people consisting of 3 people, 1 girl and 2 guys, dressed in a rather strange way, talking to each other.
I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation, as they seemed to be returning from outside the city walls.

"I told you we'd finish this quest soon enough," said the boy with black hair.

"Yes, we only spent 4 days on it." The girl sarcastically replied to him.

"Well, well, don't get mad, who knew that these frogs are actually so huge." The guy with brown hair answered her to calm her down.

"Yes, I was almost swallowed once, but I was finally able to raise my level. And thank you for helping me." Said 1 boy.

"That's right." The girl answered them, calming down.

"Okay, let's go back to the guild and report on the completed task." Said 2 boy and the group began to move.

I decided to follow them to find out what kind of building it was.

The group moved slowly enough, constantly chatting and buying the supplies they needed, while at the same time I noticed all the buildings and shops that I might need in the future.

Gradually, the group reached a tall building, which they entered. I decided to stop chasing them and find out more information about a possible place to stay overnight.

I was lucky that there was a bulletin board with tasks outside the building, when I approached there were quite simple tasks from cleaning the room, to helping the elderly and searching for a missing pet. After looking at all the ads, one of them interested me.

"It takes a young hardworking man to take care of horses for one week. Nursing experience is optional, but welcome. The duties include feeding the horses, cleaning their fur from dirt and dust. The employee will be provided with a room to stay. For more information, contact the stable."

This job suited me, as I will receive some payment for its performance, and housing will be provided for a week. Also, from the conversation of a group of people who called themselves adventurers, I learned that adventurers who cannot afford a room in a hotel often stay in the stable for the night.

So I decided to wait until it was getting dark next to the guild, and when a small group of people came out, after eavesdropping on them, I found out that they were going to the stable to spend the night and followed them from a distance.

When I got to the stables, I heard a man who looked like a middle-aged man with a beard and a rather stern disposition, since he was kicking a man about my age out of the stables, I decided to approach him.

"Please, sir, give me one more chance, I will improve." The young man pleaded.

"Get out of here, you can't even carry a bucket of water without falling with it, you're not right for me." The man answered him, massaging his temples, apparently for greater restraint.

"But sir..."

"Get out of here!" The man shouted at him, apparently unable to stand it and threw an apple at him.

The man ran away, leaving me alone with him.

"What do you want?" The man looked at me questioningly.

"I saw an ad that you need an employee." I respectfully replied to him, realizing that it was better to contact you with this type of person.

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