Page 7, Point Of No Return

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Derrick makes a grave error. He fails to notice cabin in the dark. Awaken by loud noises, a light turns on, revealing a small cabin in the distance about 500 yards away. A crazy old hermit who lives alone yells at the top of his lungs, WHO'S OUT THERE!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY PROPERTY!? I'VE GOT A GUN, AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!" Diane and Derrick go quiet. They both stare at each other for a few seconds. With a desperate look on his face, he stares at the barely visible Diane. She says, "Don't... Don't do it!" Derrick coldly says to her, "I'm sorry, Diane, this must be done.." He pulls out a hidden revolver from his pocket and pulls the trigger with deadly accuracy. The Hermit doesn't even scream as he shot dead on the spot. A loud popping noise can be heard. With a well placed bullet directly through his skull, his brains splatter the door. Diane screams in horror, "AGHHH, YOU EVIL BASTARD!! HOW COULD YOU!?" Clearly phased by his lack of remorse, she screams, "YEARS OF THERAPY WILL LITERALLY NEVER MAKE ME UNSEE ALL THE EVIL THINGS YOU'VE DONE." Unphased by her remarks, Derrick makes a joke, "Good thing we dug a bigger hole. C'mon, let's go grab the body." Diane looks at him in disgust, and says, "You sick fuck! Just let me go already.. PLEASE!!" Derrick says to her, "Sorry, Diane, I need you. I love you..." Diane goes silent, unable to figure out how to react to his sudden declaration of love. She begs him to let her go, but to no avail...

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