Nine Deadly Sins

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(Warning: Suggestive Theme)

Alternate world, Washington

The Doctor and Clementine run down through a marketplace while being chased by security guards.

Doctor:"Why did you have to accept?"

Clementine:"Now?! You want to talk about it now?!"

Doctor:"Fair point!"

They finally exit the marketplace and sprint towards the familiar street that they came from, and continue running until they make a sharp turn and run into the alleyway.

Clementine:"Why aren't they shooting at us? I'm glad they're not but isn't it their job to kill anyone that is a threat to the president?"

They get to the TARDIS and the Doctor starts unlocking it.

Doctor:"Maybe that rule doesn't exist in this world. But if it did, do you think they would be excellent shooters?"

Clementine shrugged. They enter the TARDIS. The guards arrive and see the TARDIS dematerialize. They stare in confusion and shock.

Dimension vortex, in the TARDIS

The Doctor navigates the controls as K9, hooked to the console, rolls towards Clementine.

K9:"Mistress, what happened to you?"

Clementine:"Just a bit of a mess as usual."

Doctor:"A bit?"

Clementine:"What about you? How's your power level?"

K9:"They are rising but slowly, mistress."

Clementine:"But is it stable?"


Clementine smiles and pat K9.

Clementine:"Good. We're making some progress. But it'll be awhile 'till you're fully operational."

Doctor:"It wouldn't be much problem if his circuits weren't fried. She could easily do both, but she's being cautious around K9, so she doesn't accidentally blow him up. That's a good girl. Now, let's go back to that 'bit' mess you mentioned."


Doctor:"It wasn't a bit. It was a fiasco."

Clementine:"That was totally your fault."

Doctor:"Me? No, no. It was mostly your fault."

Clementine:"I wasn't the one that punched the president, which led the guards to chase in the first place."

Doctor:"I wouldn't have to punch him if you didn't say 'yes' to his son's proposal."

Clementine:"My mind was busy."

Doctor:"Did it have to do something with that phone call?"Clementine stays silent and looks down."I knew it! Is it the same one as the previous calls?"

Clementine looks at the Doctor.

Clementine:"That's none of your business. I've been getting calls now, so what? Graham told me that it's normal for a girl of my age to get calls from a friend. There's nothing to worry about."

Doctor:"Except that I have no clue who's on the other side. Is it a random boy that asks for your number?"

Clementine:"No. It's just a friend, Doctor. Someone I met during my travels, that's all."

Doctor:"Clem, the amount of phone calls you get is not normal for a person who is just a friend."

Clementine:"You don't have the right to criticize who I make friends with, okay? So what if my friend is-"

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