You run upstairs, storm into your room, and throw yourself onto the bed, face-down. You had been watching your favorite show after school when a news alert came on, and the footage on the screen made you feel sick.


You're still wiping your tears on your pillowcase when you hear Lisa softly knock on your open door and walk into the room. (You've long since learned the sound of her footsteps.)

She presses her hand to the center of your spine and you let out a shaky breath.

"Why did that have to happen?"

She rubs slow, soothing circles over your back and shoulders, around and around, and you'd almost forgotten you asked a question when she speaks.

"People get lost. They do the wrong thing. They're selfish. They hurt other people. They always have and they always will."

You blanch and turn to face her, appreciative and scared of her honesty all at once. But before you can say anything she cups your cheeks with her hands.

"But here's the thing, Rami -- good acts are stronger than bad. Remember our trip to the ocean, how the tide would creep into the sea right before the waves came crashing back?"

You nod and sit up to wrap your arms around her waist and nuzzle into the soft fabric of her shirt.

"Goodness is like the waves," she says. "It is strong, it is fierce, and it will not be stopped."

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