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Back when you were in foster care, you only got presents twice a year -- a random holiday gift from a non-profit that worked with the group home, and a handmade birthday craft from Leo.

(You know you're still in foster care, but it doesn't feel like it anymore. You try not to think about that too much -- one last ditch attempt not to get your hopes up.)

But ever since that day Roseanne and Lisa bought you a new walkie-talkie -- one that would reach Leo -- they've been giving you an almost absurd amount of small treasures. Sometimes they're for special occasions, like the leather-bound sketchbook they gave you when you aced your history project. Sometimes they're for milestones, like the set of sparkly barrettes Roseanne bought you when you showed her you could almost tuck your hair behind your ears.

But, more often than not, Roseanne and Lisa will give you presents for absolutely no reason at all.

(Once you hear Claire half-heartedly chide them for spoiling you, but Roseanne tells her they're just making up for lost time. You're not entirely sure what she means, but it makes Lisa smile.)

You cherish every single gift they give you, but it's the surprise ones that really get you. Honestly, they could wrap up a pinecone in newspaper and you'd feel touched. Just the fact that they chose something specifically for you -- for no reason other than making you smile -- fills your chest with a cloying sort of joy. Like laughing with a mouth-full of ice cream -- a delectable ache.

Those presents are also your favorite because Roseanne and Lisa always hide them somewhere for you to find. One time you discovered a plush cat that looked just like Waffles nestled amongst your other stuffed animals with a yellow bow stuck to its head. Another time you slipped your foot into one of your Keds only to find seven bundles of colored string for making friendship bracelets. (Roseanne and Lisa found matching rainbow bracelets under their pillows a few days later.)

So when you and Roseanne come home from running errands one Saturday afternoon, you're surprised when you walk in the front door and nearly trip over two little bundles wrapped in silver paper that's so sparkly it looks like it was made from ground-up disco balls.

You haven't gotten any tests back lately or passed any milestones that you can think of. What's more, Roseanne looks just as confused as you.

"Lis?" she calls, bending to pick up the one labled with her name. "Babe? What's going on?"

No one replies except for Waffles, who meows hello as he trots into the entryway. You see Lisa's keys on the hook by the door, so she must be home.

Roseanne raises one eyebrow and you laugh as you pick up the gift with your name on it. It feels squishy, like a folded towel, and your bundle is slightly smaller than the other. A floorboard creaks somewhere above you and Roseanne smirks.

"Alright, Miss Mysterious," she yells up the stairs. "Are we just supposed to open these or what?"

Lisa doesn't answer and you bounce on your toes with excitement. Usually Roseanne is the silly one, but when Lisa goofs around she goes all out.

Roseanne shrugs and the two of you head into the living room, where you can sit on the couch and keep the bottom of the stairs in sight. Roseanne holds the package up beside her ear and shakes it, as if she'll hear something rattling around inside. She's doing it just so you'll laugh, which makes it even funnier, and you collapse against the back of the couch in a fit of giggles.

Waffles jumps up onto the sofa next to Roseanne and starts pawing at the shiny paper right around the same time her fingers begin toying with the tape, and you laugh again because you never realized it, but they're both equally impatient.

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