seeing red

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*Note at the end of the chapter*

Scarlett went to April's apartment to talk about what she just experienced. They had sat down on the couch while Scarlett explained the encounter."Then this turtle named Raphael saved me from the purple dragons" she said as she finished her story.

" Scar I think there is something you should know. .....I know exactly who you're talking about " she said rising from the couch.

"April I don't think I follow you".

"Come on I'll show you," she said leading Scarlett downstairs to a manhole cover.

" you want me to go down there ?" scarlet asked disgusted at the thought of what is down there.

"Yes, now come on scar" April replied jumping through with scarlet falling behind her.

" Ok, I'll bite where are we going April"?

"To see some friends, "she said as she led the way to what seemed like a clearing in the sewer

"Whoa " was all scarlet could say as she watched in marvel as she looked around what looked like the living room. " Someone lives here"?she asked.

"Yeah but this is just the living room, the dojo I think you will like, " April said as she led her to a room where four giant turtles were sparing and a giant rat was observing them but they all froze still when they saw her and April in the doorway.

"Guys meet Scarlett " April announced while Scarlett just stood there in awe at the huge turtles and rat who's eyes were on her. She waved shyly as the turtles approached her and April who somehow wasn't afraid of any of this went up to the one with a blue mask while the other three walked up and stared at her.

"April why is there another human down here "?

"Because she had already met one of you and I know we can trust her to keep your secret," April said while I just stood there looking each on in the face but remaining unmoving. The one with the red mask looked straight at me as if he knew me. I stared back and a smile tugged at the corners of his beak.while April, The one and the blue mask and the rat talked, the others started questioning me.

"Hi, I'm Mikey, what's your name?" the one in the orange mask asked

"Scarlett," I said quietly. I sat down on the couch started playing with my Bright red hair while the red one kept trying to stare me down but I wouldn't look back at him.

"uh, I'm Donatello, umm How do you know about us?" the purple masked one asked as he sat down next to me on the couch.

" Well, one of you saved me from some purple dragons in my neighborhood." I said looking at the red-masked one "and I believe it was someone named Raphael". You said as he stared at you his eyes the size of baseballs.He turned then stomped off to his room slamming the door.

"You mean to say that Raph saved you, an innocent? From who?" Donnie said surprised.

"Purple Dragons" she answered plainly. Donnis looked like he would have a heart attack and Mikey was laughing like an idiot behind him. Soon Leo, April, And the rat walked over to her, she sorta panicked because she didn't know whether she was booted or could stay.

"Ms. Scarlet, do you solemnly promise to keep our secret?" he asked calmly.

"I promise, "she said with more sincerity than she had ever said those words with.

"Then you may stay, welcome to our home Ms. Scarlett," He said with a slight bow. she bowed as well and smiled at the boys and April.

"Thank you, Master Splinter," April said with a smile on her face. Scarlet returned her smile as this meant she finally had a place to stay where her stepfather couldn't hurt her. she had caught Donatello looking at the marks he had left on her and asked if he could bandage her bruises and her consent. She decided to look around a little since she was gonna spend most of her time down here. Since she was expelled from high school and sure as hell wasn't going to go back home. She climbed some stairs and came to four sets of doors. she went to the two on the right and tried to open the one closest to the living room and it wouldn't budge. So she went to the next one and went into a dark room covered in Space Hero's merchandise. The sight of so many action figures made her want to cry. She ran out of that room and slammed the door, and slid down to the floor, head in hands. Her little brother had loved the series, but he was no more. She cried at the thought of his death and at the thought of the man who caused it. Since her mother had died in the military her and her brother were left with their stepdad since their real father didn't want them. After they received the news of their mother's death. Their stepdad went crazy. He was drunk every night and when he came home from the bar he would beat Scarlet and then go pass out on the couch. She would always take the beating so her little brother wouldn't get hurt. One night he came home completely wasted and scarlet was on the couch bracing for the moment she would be beaten and possibly raped this time but it never came. she opened her eyes to see her little brother lying on the floor blood coming from his chest with her stepdad holding a small revolver with smoke coming from the barrel. She flew to his side hugging him and his last words rung in her ears. "Thank you Scar, I'll miss you ". She cried as silent as she could as she had trained herself to in years past. she went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at her red, puffy, blue eyes and her fire red hair a mess on her head. She was thin. Her shirt a dirty pink with a pair of jeans with holes in the knees and a pair of worn black and red Nikes laced her feet. she looked at a battered girl and then she thought of someone ......Raphael? she thought of his muscles and the way he looked at her earlier. No, it can't be .....falling for Raph....?

Sorry for the going off the grid for awhile I am back for a bit. I am continuing to run edits on this story to improve it any way I can. If you have a request for a story don't hesitate to ask me.

Edited 4/3/18

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