06 | strike me when it rains

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06 ☆ (  "MY FIRST KISS

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06(  "MY FIRST KISS." )

I swung my keys into the door, unlocking it

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I swung my keys into the door, unlocking it. "Welcome home, Rie," My mother called from the kitchen, quickly clearing her throat. I saw an empty couch, indicating that Dad was out again. "Hello as well, Hanae!"

"Hi, Mrs. Sato!" Hanae waved although it was clear Mother couldn't see her. Hanae knew well of my family situation and how they've always been separated physically, so when there was no sight of my father, she didn't pop the question. "We'll be studying upstairs if you need anything. You can leave the curry in the pot–we'll eat later!"

"Okay, Hanae! Rie, call me if you need anything, okay?" I hummed, not wanting to give her much of a response. She went up the stairs first while I lingered, wondering if I should ask Mother for advice about... Riki. I don't think I should, but maybe she could help me figure out what those jealous feelings really meant. I'd hate to say Jungwon was right, but if he was, does that really indicate me crushing on him?

"So," Hanae placed down her bag as I closed and locked the door behind us, placing my bag on my chair. She sat on my bed while I settled for comfort on the floor, laying my back against the side of her. "What's been happening recently? You've been on and off with all of us and it worries me. Is this about Nishimura?"

"Yeah," I couldn't lie to her. If I did, she'd read right through me, and I'd have to give her more intel. "I've been confused recently, and it's messing with my head. I keep thinking about whether I like him or not."

"I see," Hanae nodded, pouting her lips. "Well, what do you feel when you're around him? Is there any specific feeling that comes to mind when you think of Nishimura?"

"That's the thing, Hanae. I... I can't tell what it could be. Of course, by specific description from the dictionary, I could make it out–but I can't feel it to know it."

"I know what you mean," Hanae nodded, seemingly filled with knowledge on this topic. "You haven't seen it firsthand nor experienced it yourself. No boys really fancied you when we were younger, so having that foundation was nonexistent. Plus, the definition has molded a lot considering the age we're in, so I think even with your head, you won't be able to grasp it."

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