07 | fronting (for you)

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"Did you get home safe last night?" I was taken away from my daze when Sunoo pulled one of my earbuds out of my ears, smiling

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"Did you get home safe last night?" I was taken away from my daze when Sunoo pulled one of my earbuds out of my ears, smiling. Did I? I can't remember. Everything from last night was a blur. Matter of fact, why was he here at the temple? I pushed up my glasses, nodding. "That's good. Why are you here today?"

"I should ask you that," I chuckled, pointing at him in his attire. "You're wearing quite the clothing today. Is there a festival?"

"Yeah. You didn't know?" Sunoo raised his eyebrows, soon pausing. "Wait. Of course, you wouldn't. Nishimura is the one who told all of us about it, and I don't think you even have his number. Today's the spring festival, so I'm here with Hanae, Jungwon, and Riki."

"All of you are here?" Sunoo nodded. "Right now?" He nodded again. Oh god. I need to leave. I just wanted to ask the deities above for peace, but I fear that my prayer was too late. How do I even escape this? "Well, have fun then!"

"W-Wait, Rie!" Sunoo grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from the stone staircase. I was only taking a step in the air which caused me to stumble back–right into Sunoo's arms. I widened my eyes and straightened up, Sunoo doing the same. "Sorry, Rie. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us."

"I'm not wearing a kimono, and I don't think I really can go," I sensed footsteps coming our way, soft chatter becoming audible from behind the gates. "Plus, mom wants me back home now, so–"

"Not even for a little, Rie–?"

"I really have to go, Sunoo!" I picked up my swinging earbud and waved, stumbling as I took a step down the stairs. "I'll, um, see you Monday!"

"Oh, it's Rie–Rie, where are you going!?" I couldn't even bother to turn around and see who was calling my name, but with the feminine tone and the familiarity of her panic, I knew that was Hanae. "Rie, come back!"

I could hear the distinct chatter coming from behind me, but I couldn't face it–I couldn't face him. What expression was he wearing on his face? Do you think he even thought about me that way? God, I couldn't sleep all night! For me to kiss him without any remorse yesterday night, then suddenly avoid him like nothing ever happened between us? What a fool!

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