Ch 17: The creator of the omegaitirx

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3rd person

Max, Verdona, Gwen and Ben are in a cell with a energy field keeping them locked in. The same is side with Batman, Wonder woman and Superman.

Ben: Ah, this stinks.

Gwen: Where exactly are we anyway?

Max: A hidden secret organization base. This is where predator squadron and Grimstone are, I noticed them on the way in along with Doomsday.

Verdona: And we can't leave as these cells are blocking our powers.

Max: If o-

*Explosion* *alarms* *blaster fire* *monsterus growling*

Everyone looks as they see a door flew past them. All of the cells disappear, everyone walked out.

????: *growls*

They look and see their savior.

Ben: Meta X... About time bro.

Meta X stands at 8 feet tall and 9 inches. Meta X is wearing future super white solider armor with yellow trims; he wears a black spandex suit under his armor and has a monsterus muscler build. On his helmet there are scratches on the face plate in the shape of a ghost face, Meta X also has eight different glowing small jewels in the center of his chest plate each one glowing a different color. He also has a ammo belt around his waistline, with the omegaitirx acting as the belt buckle, he also as a kurik knife on his right and left shoulders.

Meta/X: *Growling*

Gwen: Uh, what?

Meta X facepalm his helmet, he tosses Wonder Woman and Batman their gear and pointed to the large hole leading outside.

Gwen: Then why didn't you just say so!

Meta X looks at Gwen as she flinched

Ben: Uh, Gwen Meta-X can't talk. He can only growl, snarl, hiss and roar.

Meta-X pointed towards Ben and nodded his head.  Everyone walked through the large hole, they look and see a lot of guards laying on the ground all groaning and moaning; Everyone looks at Meta-X he shrugged his shoulders.  Meta-X sharply turned his head towards the straight. 

Meta-X: *growling* 

Everyone looks as they see Grimstone and Doomsday walking out of their hiding spot.  Max looks and see predator squadron flying above their heads.  Doomsday roars and charged forward, Meta-X ran pass everyone he flew and tackled Doomsday to the ground.  Doomsday threw a right hook hitting Meta-X helmet, Doomsday look only to see Meta-X didn't move at al.  Meta-X grabbed and lifted Doomsday into the air, he stepped forward and threw Doomsdays away from the best; Meta-X leaps into the air going after Doomsdays. 

Both Doomdays and Meta-X landed on the beach.

*Alien data*

Name: Meta-X
Race: Futuristic super solder
Powers: Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Hearing, Super eyesight, Super Reflexes, Super Agility, Super lung, Super leap, Super durability, Etc.

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