09 | as the lantern floats

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I held Riki's hand, the other holding onto some of my kimono's cloth

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I held Riki's hand, the other holding onto some of my kimono's cloth. My hair was all dolled up by an early Hanae coming to my house, and somehow, I looked prettier than I ever hadbefore. I heard the chatter behind us, whispering about us being together, but I didn't make such a fuss. I only looked over at him to see him already staring, causing me to nudge his hip. "What?" He chuckled, using his free hand to take a strand of hair off the side of my glasses. "I'm admiring you."

"You better look straight," I warned, my cheeks starting to hurt from all the happiness. "Or else you'll fall. I think I'll fall with you, too!"

"I doubt it," Riki chuckled, poking my cheek. "You're already looking ahead. If you stop, I stop. If you walk, I walk. If you–" I covered his mouth with my hand, stopping in place. "Hmmph?"

"You're crazy," I commented, suddenly feeling someone tug on my hand. When I turn around, it's Hanae splitting us apart. She laughed at my confusion, replacing Riki as the one tangled around me. With our arms intertwined, we sped up so that we could talk in private. The guys laughed behind us, probably going to ask Riki the same questions Hanae was about to ask me.

"So... you and Nishimura, huh?" She raised her eyebrows cheekily, nudging me. I nodded slowly, suppressing a bigger grin than I already had. "I thought you said you weren't going to try anything with him? What happened to that?"

"Things," I mentioned simply. "I had a change of heart. Teacher Fujii made it easier to understand than you guys did!"

"I said it the best way, what are you talking about!?" She defended her position, huffing. We laughed together, finding each other's defenses stupid. "Did you tell your parents yet? Actually, do they even know of Riki?"

"No–to both," I sighed, fixing my glasses by pushing them closer up the bridge of my nose. "I know if Mother finds out, I'll definitely have to move schools–or perhaps she'll murder me. I could probably tell Dad, but I'm worried he might tell her. They only know of you, Jungwon, and Sunoo."

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