Chapter 11

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Ohm's pov:

I could swear I'd never felt anything like this in my entire life. Fear gripped me tightly. What if Nanon was the one Neo had been abusing? My breath caught in my throat as we arrived.

Ohm: Are they here?
I asked, my voice trembling.

Love: Yeah... Brother, be careful.
Love replied, a mix of worry and urgency in her eyes.

I forced the door open, and my heart dropped. There was Nanon, alone, lying on the floor. His legs were marred with burn marks, and his face was so pale it looked like all life had drained from him.

"NANON!" I screamed, rushing to his side.
Ohm: Hey, everything is gonna be okay. Don't worry... I'll get you out of here.

He looked up at me, his voice barely a whisper.
Nanon: I had hoped you would come sooner... but... you're late.

"Nanon, please..." My voice broke as tears welled up. His words pierced my heart like a dagger.

Nanon: Where were you, huh?
He asked, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"I..." My chest felt like it was going to explode, my heart pounding erratically.
Ohm: I'm sorry... Let's go. Let me carry you.

I scooped him up bridal style. Normally, Nanon was feather-light, but today, I felt weak, so weak for him.

Ohm: Love, run to the medical station and get someone ready. Tell them someone injured is coming.

Love: Y-yeah, okay, brother..
Love stammered, rushing off.

Ohm: Nanon, don't sleep.
I pleaded as we moved.

Nanon: I won't die if I close my eyes, Ohm.
He replied, trying to reassure me.

Ohm: Still, don't... If you close your eyes, I'll lose my strength completely.

Nanon: Ohm, we aren't meant to be.
He murmured, his voice laced with sorrow.

Ohm: I know... It's too dangerous for you to be near a guy like me.

Despite everything, we talked on our way, as if the world had stopped around us.

Nanon: You're giving up on our friendship so fast? Fight—-Fight like I do.

Ohm: I don't want to see you hurt.
I replied, my heart aching.

Nanon: I'm not hurt... This is nothing like the pain I used to-

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing. Just don't leave me," he said, his grip tightening.


Ohm: Dimples, I think I'm in love...
I confessed, my heart in my throat.

Nanon: Oh really? You wanna show off while I'm half dead in your arms?
He joked weakly.

Ohm: It's not like that... Nanon, I—

The medical teacher interrupted us as we arrived.

Teacher: You finally arrived, oh my God... come here, boy. Ohm, please place him here.

I placed Nanon gently on the bed, handling him like the most precious thing in the world.

"Who did this to you?!" the medical teacher demanded.

Ohm; Don't worry... I'll solve this. Please take care of Nanon.

As I turned to leave, I looked back at my Nanon. "I'll always fight for you," I vowed.

He smiled, and my heart raced when I saw those familiar dimples.

The school hall was eerily quiet. Everyone was in their classes. My mind was set on finding Neo and the others. Before breaking their necks, I wanted them out of this school.

I headed straight for the director's office and knocked firmly, my heart burning with determination.

Director: Yes, please come in.

I burst through the door, my emotions spilling over.

Ohm: We need to get them out, Director!

The director raised an eyebrow.
Director: Ohm Pawat, hello to you too. What's going on?

Ohm: They burned and abused him!
I shouted, my voice breaking.


"NANON!" I yelled.


Director: Hey! Boy, know your place and calm down, okay?

Realizing that screaming wouldn't solve anything, I forced myself to sit down and take a deep breath.

I recounted the events to the director, leaving out some details but telling him enough to understand why those monsters needed to be expelled.

The director's face darkened.

Director: Well... I knew those innocent students who left the school did so for a reason. I still remember.. Lego, Gun or-

Ohm: enough.. I'm sorry.

Director: Sorry? You bullied them. And now you want to save one of them? Really? After all this time?

Ohm: I was blinded, okay? I just wanted success!
I confessed, my voice tinged with regret.


Ohm: I know... Please, just get them out. They're not learning from their mistakes.

Director: And did you learn?
He asked, his gaze piercing.

Ohm: Yes! I've learned.

The director sighed, pulling out a stack of papers.

Director: Well then, if you sign these, I'll make sure those guys never enter my school again.

Ohm: What am I signing?

I asked, glancing at the top page. The title read "School Heroes." This was the project Perth and the other school presidents had been working on.

Ohm: You want me to be one of those heroes who save innocent students?

Director: Yes, Ohm. Show me and the school that you are not like them. Show Nanon.

I nodded, picking up the pen. "Yeah... I'll show you."

As I signed the papers, a sense of purpose filled me.

Ohm: But please, don't forget your promise.

Director: They'll never enter this school again. Don't worry.

With the final signature, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. This was my chance to make things right, not just for Nanon, but for everyone I had wronged. And I wasn't going to waste it.


I was on my way to visit Nanon again when I saw Blue and Chimon by his side. I decided to hold back, not wanting to interrupt.

But as I turned to leave, I overheard their conversation, and what I heard made my blood boil.

Blue: Nanon, are you seriously still thinking about staying with him? He's no good for you!

Chimon shot back immediately.
Chimon: Blue! If you've forgotten what Nanon told us, I'll remind you! Ohm saved him! If it wasn't for him, he would have died in that room!

THERE! my cousin's future husband!

Blue stood there looking furious.
Blue: Why are you always taking his side, huh? What is wrong with you?

Chimon: No, what is wrong with YOU? Are you jealous?

Silence followed, heavy and telling. Blue's lack of response only confirmed my suspicions: he loved Nanon. But it was too late for him—

Nanon was mine to protect, mine to cherish. And I would never let anyone, not even Blue, come between us.

Nanon belonged to me.

Words: 1100

Stay healthy and eat well. See you in the next chapter!💋

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