First Year - The Secret Room.

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"Marauders?" Ki bit her apple while sitting with her now friends. During breakfast and lunch, they could sit anywhere they wanted and not at their respective house tables, those were just for formal events "Why that name?" she asked curiously. 

James already finished his breakfast like someone could take it away from him.

"Because we are just that: Marauders; troublemakers, always trying to get into mischief and always doing whatever we wanted without caring about rules, consequences, or anything. We loved to explore and cause chaos."

They were always getting in trouble, so the name was a good idea.

"Good name but Professor Slughorn will still call you ducklings" She teased them knowing the four for some weird reason imprinted on the girl and followed her like baby ducks to their mother but it had to do with Kiara not being a Gryffindor so she couldn't enter their common room and vice versa so they followed her wherever she was.

"Yeah, we hate that name. We're not babies," James said, rolling his eyes.

"We're not ducks either," Sirius chimed in.

"The Marauders sounds cooler anyway," Remus said, giving Kiara a playful grin as he sat down beside her at the Gryffindor table.

"So, Marauders" It was easy for her to call the four like that "Have you studied for the Astronomy quiz?" she asked knowing that only Remus and her were the good students from the group.

"We haven't even looked at our notes at all," Peter admitted with a sheepish shrug.

"Don't feel like it," The long black hair boy said, his tone casual. "I'm pretty sure I can ace the quiz without even studying."

"Just like the Soap Blizzard one or the Antidote to Common Poisons...." Remus started to list the quiz he had failed.

"Oh, and the Herbology one too. Don't forget" Kiara joined Lupin.

"Don't need to remind me guys" he said displeased, and James added, "I hated the one where you had to tell different potion colors apart."

Peter just shrugged, not having much to say on the topic.

"You are colorblind."

It's like all the group knew already but he refused to believe it.

The brunette was taking her time in eating her apple since she wasn't like those who inhale all the food but when Sirius finished his he was still hungry so decided to pick hers too.

He didn't seem to care if Kiara didn't finish the fruit, it was his now. "You know what I've been craving, though? Chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate."

"Yeah, we could go get some from the kitchen," James said, "They always have some pretty greats on hand." They were already halfway out of their chairs, ready to get moving.

"I thought you were going to be the first one to join them," Kiara said to Remus knowing his sick addiction to it but he stayed with her and Peter. 

Remus sniggered.

"I know my limits. If I go with them, I'll end up eating half of the chocolate available." He took another bite of pancakes, "Besides my breakfast is really good."

The calm and silence during mornings were something she enjoyed. There weren't that many students so she could have a peaceful breakfast, that was when she didn't have friends but now she was stuck with the hyperactive James Potter, the loud Sirius Black, the annoying Peter Pettigrew, and the impatient Remus Lupin who keep shouting up his friends when he got annoyed. Their talking was stopped when the owls entered flying and dropping correspondence to each student.

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