First Year - Fire.

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"This is huge!" James couldn't believe his eyes. There was this room but not just one with chairs and desks like the others in Hogwarts, it was bigger, a combination of ecosystems one next to another.

Sirius put his hand on the pond, how was that possible? A pond in the middle of a classroom, a freaking classroom.

"The come-and-go room..." Remus was delighted, he couldn't believe Kiara was the one who found it.

James lay on the grass "Explain nerd."

"The Room of Requirement," Lupin said obviously "A room that shows differently to each person who enters. It will become whatever you need at the time that you need it most."

"Well, I needed a place to take care of the creatures that were hurt around Hogwarts" Kiara explained because she has been going to the forest, picking the hurt ones and leaving them in the room of requirement until they were better and sent them free later "My roommate wanted to kill Harmy too so it is better if she is here" her pet was relaxing in a hammock made by a leaf "even if she is forgetting that my dad gave it to me as a COMPANION" she said a little louder so Harmy could hear but was ignored making Ki shake her head amused.

"Wait, wait, wait. Anna wanted to kill your creatures?" James looked at her surprised. "But why?"

"Well, she hates me, and she hates magical creatures" She couldn't believe it yet "And I am a little combination of both."

"Cruella de Vil is a pain in the ass, she thinks she is better for being a spoiled pureblood brat," Sirius had an accident that involved him falling into the lake and by accident means that the girl that won the nickname between them because of her infamous black and white hair decided to make a spell for her studies sending Black fair away.

Professor Flitwick just made Anna apologize because she said it was an accident, but her smirk meant that it was on purpose and only because she tried to convince Sirius to join her, and her pureblood friends and he refused.

"She is insufferable," Potter muttered, scowling. "Always complaining that she deserves better grades just because she is from a wealthy family and always talking about Muggle-borns as if they were trash."

"It's funny how you three get more insulted about that when you are purebloods and rich" Peter pointed out while eating in a corner, he wasn't hurt by it but Remus had the same character as the others.

"But we were not raised by idiot supremacists" Ki answered knowing that Anna's parents weren't the best of people.

Sirius coughed while talking saying something related to Talk about yourself.

"Well not all of us..." Now she said it uncomfortable, but the others found that amusing and laughed "So how is your little brother?

Regulus Black was only 9 years old and not a Hogwarts student yet, but Sirius had been sending him letters now and then.

"He is a bit of a twat and takes after our parents I just hope he changes by the time he comes here" he has been trying to teach him the right path, but Reg was stubborn or maybe just afraid of his family "Are you an only child right Kiara?"

She nodded "I am, my dad didn't want to marry again so I guess I will be forever an only child."

The Marauders had been asking themselves about Kiara's mom but they didn't feel comfortable asking her, maybe one day she would tell them if Newt was divorced or a widow.

"The four of you have luck" Sirius was the only one with siblings so they didn't understand the implications of having one and in two years that little rat was going to be in the same school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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