Chapter 1

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An alarm rings throughout my head, I am suddenly jolted awake. I am then reminded of the alarm and smack my hand onto the snooze button. After a few misses, the dreaded alarm finally goes into slumber. I rub my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness that has suck itself.

After a few rubs, I stretch my limbs. Once that was complete, I sit in my bed as my brain boots up. I try to remember what I had dreamed about. While it was fuzzy for the most part, the things I did remember was glowing lights and big shadows. It didn't scare me, but those two points stood out as I get out of my bed and gotten into my naval uniform.

A horn blast echoes through my room. I look outside my window to see all kinds of ships going to and from the base. The tugboats scurrying around to help the bigger ships, I always remember the first time I got helped by the tugs, it was like it was yesterday, literally.

Their immense power to move such an object like me is beyond impressive. But now I have to attend to my duties. I step out of the room and look back. Nothing of note is left here as it is a temporary room as later on, I will be joining the main Azur Lane fleet in naval exercises and eventually battle with the sirens.

No one really knows how they got here or what their plan is. But they attacked us and now its been at least 80 years or so since the first attack. I am now in a new guard to protect Zipang from destruction.

The Sakura Empire had a long history in naval books as a fine military operator under the Empress commands. Nagato, former Empress of Sakura Empire, ruler of this nation when the war started for the first 8 years. But one event that would shake the Empire to the core and for Zipang. Empress Yamato. I stared at a door for a moment and then left to head down the stairs

Empress of Yamato of the Sakura Empire, she was the last Empress of that flagged nation for 5 years, when the war had reached a max. The proxy war between Sakura Empire and Iron Blood, along with other allies of Red Axis. Faced against the full might of Azur Lane that had, Eagle Union and Royal Navy just to name a few.

The reason for the Red Axis was out of desperation, the threat from the sirens was too much for the people that we had to find a new path to ensure the safety. But it was a path that had the katana of fate strike deep into the Sakura Empire. In short, our nation lost and after we had to rename ourselves to get rid of the old ways.

Zipang was created when the former Red Axis nations reabsorbed into Azur Lane. And for the next 75 years the relationships we desperately try to amend had paid off.

Just then an air raid siren starts going off. Just as I got outside, multiple ZDS ships go out of the bay and engage the enemy, the Sirens. The black and red glowing hulls are a dead giveaway as to where they are. I can see, with my enhanced vision that they started attacking using laser cannons and aircraft. our forces replied in kind with state-of-the-art missiles.

The ships turn to a shimmering blue and in a flash, multiple girls land onto the sea and skate across as if the sea was ice. I always dreamed of doing it and I had the opportunity to try it out when I had my sea trials. It was very tough to get used to. The seas slashing on my ankles, the strong breeze the winds kick up when I travel at 30 knots...

Just then a laser shell screams towards me, my Aegis Eye detects the incoming threat and I swiftly dodge out of the way. The explosion wave kicks me a bit away from the fire and I was unharmed. I land back on the ground look at the hole created by the enemy wepaon. I then deactivated my AEGIS Eye, then a small pain flashes through my head. It always hurts whenever my AEGIS system activates when I am in my body. The computing power that it needs to effectively track any and all object puts a severe overload to my brain.

I breathed in, and out a few times and after a few moments, the pain slowly disappeared

Unknown: Oh dear, you were having a headache?

ZDS Mirai Travels back in time to Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now