S02E10 High Stakes Battle! Human Vs. Android!

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Jake floated above the ring, staring down at Ash who stood there scratching his head. He had no idea how to get to him. He tried jumping but couldn't jump high enough. He stuck out his index fingers and tried shooting Jake down but Jake swerved out of the way. He looked around, stumped.

"Does anyone have a ladder?" He asked, to which there was no reply.

Come on Ash, Stamos thought to himself. Figure something out. Ash then looked down at his bare feet. He raised one and inspected the sole, then raised the other, and inspected that sole too, there was a hole in each. He stood there, pondering something. These holes weren't there for no reason but what could they be used for? The holes in his hands made it easier for him to form fireballs in his palms, could he use the holes in his feet to have a similar effect?

He leapt into the air, and tried to push fire out of his feet but nothing happened and he landed back on the ground. Hmm, he thought to himself. If I focus hard enough, I might be able to fly too. He closed his eyes, and tried to imagine all of the flames in his body going towards the soles of his feet. He tried again, and a small burst of flame came out from the holes in his feet, sending him higher into the air but still not high enough to reach Jake, so he landed back on the cemented ring.

"Okay," he said, staring up at Jake. "So, I may not be able to fly like you can... But maybe there's something else I can do."

He peered over at the sun, and let its warmth overtake his body until that's all he could feel. Once again, he imagined all of the heat in his body rushing down to his feet, then a burst of flame came out from his soles, and he was propelled into the air. Once the burst died out whilst in mid-air, he let out another burst of flame from his feet, and again until he was at arms length of Jake, clasping a hand around his ankle.

"There's no way..." Shade muttered.

Stamos grinned. "Way to go, kid. You might not be able to fly but you figured out how to use those pipes in your body to your advantage."

Jake started darting around, flying as fast as he could to try and shake Ash off of him but Ash kept a firm handle, swaying around in the wind. Jake started kicking at him with his free foot but Ash refused to let go, taking the attacks to the face. Ash grabbed a hold of the other foot, his body dangling, and Jake lashed his legs around but Ash wasn't willing to let go. He reached up and pointed an index finger at one of the air canisters attached to Jake's heel, shooting at it and causing an intense explosion.

Jake lost control of his flight, darting all around, in and out of the smoke of the explosion, Ash still hanging onto his ankles. Together, the boys were headed straight towards the outside of the ring, everyone watching intently the closer they got. But as they reached the grass on the outside of the ring, Ash climbed up Jake's back, held on tight, stuck his legs out and forced a burst of flame out of his soles, sending them back towards the ring. They tumbled over each other, and both landed safely back in the ring.

"Why did you do that?!" Jake asked, confused, rising to his feet.

"Do what?" Ash replied, also rising to his feet.

"You could have won just then! You didn't have to drag me back into the ring with you!"

"Oh, that!" Ash smiled. "I don't wanna beat you by ring-out, that wouldn't be very fun. I want to knock you out."

Jake smirked. This human, what a strange specimen, he thought to himself. He launched forward and the two continued to exchange blows; lefts, rights, kicks, Jake swinging around that robotic arm of his. Ash stuck out an index finger, fired a flaming bullet into Jake's chest, then nailed him with a spinning kick, using a burst of flame from the sole of his foot to increase the speed of the kick, and thus, the impact. Jake was sent spiraling, crashing into the cement with a thud. Red start counting. One... Two... Three... But Jake sat up, holding his cheekbone.