Book 3: Halloween Character: CandleLit Ghost

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Prologue: IRL Scene

The stage is transformed into the heart of the dense forest that envelops the countryside of Evergreen.

Towering ancient trees, their bark weathered and twisted with age, dominate the backdrop, their gnarled branches stretching skyward like skeletal fingers reaching for the heavens.

Moonlight filters through the dense canopy above, casting ethereal beams that dance and play across the forest floor, illuminating patches of moss and casting long, eerie shadows that seem to writhe and shift with each passing moment.

In the center of the stage lies a small clearing, bathed in the soft, flickering glow of a single candle.

The flame dances delicately atop the wick, casting a warm and inviting light amidst the surrounding darkness.

The air is heavy with an otherworldly stillness, broken only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl echoing in the distance.

The undergrowth is thick and tangled, obscuring the path ahead and lending an air of mystery to the scene.

Moss-covered rocks and fallen branches litter the forest floor, their damp surfaces shimmering in the pale moonlight like jewels scattered upon the forest's darkened tapestry.

As the audience takes in the scene before them, they can almost feel the weight of centuries of history and tragedy that permeate the air.

The forest seems to pulse with a life of its own, its secrets whispered through the rustling leaves and carried on the gentle breeze that sweeps through the trees.

In the distance, the faint sound of laughter drifts through the forest, a haunting reminder of the joy that once filled these woods before tragedy befell the young girl named Myrtle.

As the scene unfolds, the audience is drawn deeper into the tangled web of mystery and intrigue that surrounds the haunted woods of Evergreen, eagerly anticipating the chilling tale that is about to unfold before their eyes.

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