My Will

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The village of Luna was transformed from a little village hidden from the normal eye to a village covered with golden military camps all around it. Inside the village wasn't any better as the reds were treated poorly under the golden soldiers.

There was killings every night, at least one person was either being burned, stabbed, shot, or hanged for just being out late or just being a damn red. Food was tight in the village as well as the golden soldiers took and took and left nothing but bones for the villagers to pick at.

It angered Will so much, he felt a simmer of pure anger go through his body as he looked out the window watching the new burning take place. It was a young woman this time who was being burned for " witchcraft" as the goldens said.

" you look to much out that window " James stated. James looked more messed up then Will has ever seen before. A bandaged covered half his face from the eye wound James had got. James face looked pale as a ghost and his movements were like a slug. Though, what annoyed Will was that even if James looked all fucked up he always made sure his clothes were good on him and his hair pulled back neatly

" how could I not? When a woman and many people die everyday. You don't do anything to stop it either! You sit there and watch and listen to the screams of those who have a different blood color then the golds die. " Will takes a deep breath and turns away from the window fully as the screams of the woman ranged out through the night

" I may be the priest of this town but even my hands are tied when it comes to the orders of the commander " James looked right out the window watching as the flames licked at the woman's skin " this is just another person that dies because of a war nothing more, you shouldn't be so mad at me when I wasn't the one to give such an order to kill "

James had a point there that's for sure. The one to give the orders and allow all this amount of suffering was Hannibal and Will wasn't able to do anything because Hannibal was in the capital right now for the kings funeral " well you're no Saint either " Will gets up and walked off " have a good night "

The walk to his room was a silent one and the halls were cold. It seemed everything was far worse now since the golds came. Will pushed open his door to his bedroom and walked into the room seeing a small bird on the desk. He raised an eyebrow and walks over to it

Around the birds ankle was a letter tied to it " what?" Will reached over and grabs the letter before he opens the window and allowed the bird to fly out.

The letter seemed a little new with a few smudged areas here and there but Will open it fully and sat down on his bed as he read the letter

" Dear Will,

It's been a long time since we last talked! I was planning to come in person to see you but ever since the kings death happened I haven't had the time.

I wrote to you because I've been confused on the kings death. There is pictures I've glued to this letter it's of the kings body. If you look at his body he has a few bones broken and bruises on his hands. His nails are pulled off too like he was the one to do it.

In the kings stomach was resurrection and that's when i had to write to you! Resurrection can be used to bring the dead back to life yes? It can also stop the body from decaying as well. The side effects for even having a drop of resurrection on your skin can make you go mad.

Do you remember the soldier we both looked at? In his stomach was resurrection and now the king also has resurrection in his stomach. Could this be a copycat?

The kings body is decaying fast too faster then any body I've ever seen. That's what is confusing me! With resurrection in his system his body shouldn't be decaying at all yet he is. How could this even be possible?

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