A Friendship On The Brink

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That bird in the sky, it was so beautiful to even Hannibal who stood in the middle of the courtyard ignoring the fire as he watched the bird fly away fast. Then he saw the red feather and his small smile he had instantly falls into a frown. He knew that species of bird way to much to even count.

It was centuries ago when Hannibal was a teen. The cold winters were enough to make any man want to cry. All birds had went away by now and nothing of any sort of life was shown.

The cold air slammed into Hannibal as he claws his way through the snow and gold blood dripped onto it. It was hauntingly beautiful yet a mockery of his now mortal self. He could already feel God himself looking down at the once favored man on his side to now the man that crawled on the snow trying to find some warmth.

Hannibal remembered the rage and it ranged through his whole body. He had fallen out of gods grace but he would never show this man his weakness! So he kept clawing away hard, till his fingers and hands went cold and numb. When he was about to give it all up after hours in the snow....that's when he saw it

A bird flying high in the sky and circling around Hannibal from above. Hannibal remembered the red feathers on it and how it looked so warm to the touch! He wanted to touch it so bad. Thats when the bird flew down and it's mighty wings blew snow onto Hannibal as it landed next to his head

Hannibal thought he went crazy but he heard the bird speak and it asked one thing

" do you want to live?"

Did he? Did he want to live? His mortal flesh was a mockery to what he once was

" do you want to live?" The bird asked again and moved it's head around slowly to get a better look at Hannibal

Then it hit him....he did want to live....he wanted to be stronger! He wanted his revenge and he wanted to challenge any angel in heaven and even God himself! " yes" he whispers

The bird tucked its wings into itself and it almost seemed like it was smiling even though that couldn't be possible

" your wish is granted~ though you'll won't have human flesh " the bird hops onto Hannibal arm slowly as heat radiated from its body " you'll be what you've always were meant to be~ "

That day Hannibal realized something.... The devil didn't have to be a snake for people to realize it's him. The devil could be a beautiful bird itself because Lucifer was once gods favorite and the most beautiful angel known to man kind. Who said he couldn't be beautiful even after he lost favor with God?

Hannibal would always remember this day. He would remember this day because it was the day he became a demon and the day everything was set into stone.


Will rushed out of the palace fast as he followed the bird to the edge of the palace. That's when he saw he stepped into a forest outside the castle and that's what confused him because there wasn't supposed to be a forest at all, there was supposed to be a town.... there was supposed to be houses and roads! People walking around but there wasn't. There was just tall trees and then the letter falling down slowly.

Will reached out and grabbed the letter fast as he held it in his hand. He slowly opens it up and pulled out the paper before he started to read

Dear Willy,
You've left town? Right after the golds came in. I heard you're with the commander of the golds. I was hoping that it wouldn't be true at all...that we would be friends and that you wouldn't be a gold lover"

That's when the letter ends and then he heard a voice speak out in the forest as if continuing the letter

" but it seems time has had other ideas for the both of us. I wonder why? "

Hannibal: A Heart That Bleeds Gold Where stories live. Discover now