
14 1 0

"Why don't you tell me why you're here, Ms. Reid? It's been quite a while since I've last seen you." 

"It's the adult thing to do, and I feel it's gotten to the point where it's not just affecting me. What happened was..." I paused, trying to think of a word, "It was surreal, not easy to believe- I'm not even sure if I believe it myself."

"Start from the beginning then."



I looked over my shoulder at the counter behind me, a dish in my hand. Weird, I haven't given my contact number for this messenger app yet, how did someone get it?

Thomas: Hello? Are you there? 

I put the dish down, rinsed my hands to free them of soap, and dried them. I picked up the phone and opened the chat

You: Hello.

T: Uh. Hello... 

With a furrow of my brows, I walked over to my sofa, taking a seat as I watched this guy type.

 T: No matter how I put this, it'll sound crazy
> I've gone over this so many times in my head
> Wait a sec, I have to add the others first. Please don't go.

The others? 



The others. 

Lilly: Hello

Richy: Hey

Dan: Seriously guys? A real genius idea this...

T: Dan, please shut up

I said nothing, what could I say? How did they even get my number?

D: ...

Cleo: Oh, is that him?

D: Seems that way, doesn't it?

T: Alright, sorry. 
> Jessy is at the bottom of my list.


Jessy: Oh, err.
>  Hi guys

T: Alright, that's it

You: What's going on?

T: Well
> How can I put this?

D: Oh that's a real good start
> 👌

L: Who are you? How do you know my sister??

You: What are you talking about?

C: Lilly...

L: What have you done to her?

T: We need to ask, how do you know Hannah Donfort?

A wave of confusion and... worry? rushed over me. I didn't particularly know what's going on, but I suppose I'll find out if I play whatever stupid game this is for just a little while longer.

You: I don't.

D: Seriously guys?

C: Stop it, Dan

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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