Crush, Chop and Burn Part 1

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Mr. Davenport practically floated through the front door beaming ear to ear as he carried his gorgeous, newly wedded wife over the threshold, as her laughter filled the air.

"Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Davenport" Donald said with a warm smile.

"Why thank you, Mr. Davenport" Tasha replied, her eyes sparkling with joy and adoration.

"Absolutely Mrs. Davenport" was the last thing said by Davenport before he connected his lips with Tasha.

All of a sudden, Leo, Davenports step-son burst into the house struggling to carry all the bags. "Seriously, we get it. You guys got married. It's getting old" Leo grumbles before dropping all the bags.

"Wow!" Leo said scanning the house in amazement. "You got this big house just from inventing things? He exclaimed.

Mr. Davenport simply replied with a confident "Mhmm."

"Way to go mom! Now that's a husband" Leo exclaimed pointing at Mr. Davenport.

A warm smile spread across Mr. Davenports face, mirroring Leo's excitement. Tasha couldn't help but burst into a small laughter, sharing in the joyous moment.

Leo's curiosity piqued as he walked over to an object in the corner of the living room. Perplexed, he pointed at it and asked, "What the heck is that?"

Davenport approached Leo and explained "Oh, uh that is my latest creation. Davenport Industries first completely interactive 3-D TV."

Davenport switched on the machine, and a hologram of a baseball game materialized, captivating Leo's attention.

Out of nowhere, a baseball came hurtling towards Leo. Instinctively he reached out to catch the ball, but his attempt proved futile. Startled, Leo stumbled backwards colliding with the wall behind him.

"Watch the case, termite." A voice came from behind Leo.

Startled, Leo stepped back from the wall, his gaze fixed on his mom with a concerned expression.

"Mom, I think the little voice in my head is back" he said his worry evident in his voice.

Donald approached the wall where Leo had bumped into and clarified, "No, this is Eddy. He's my smart home system"

Leo glanced at Donald, a hint of confusion crossing his face.

"Eddy, this is my new step-son Leo" Donald introduced glancing at Leo who responded with a small empathetic wave and smile. "Remember, I told you Leo and Tasha are living in today" Donald finished, reminding Eddy of the previous conversation.

Eddy glanced at the pair and rudely remarked, "Hey, welcome. Everything here is mine" before abruptly disappearing from the screen.

Leo shocked muttered under his breath, "Good to meet you too, oddly weird smart home system" and walked over to stand next to his mother.

Mr. Davenport broke the awkward silence with a cough and suggested, "Uh, Leo why don't you go check out your new bedroom?" He gently placed his hands oh Leo's shoulders and continued.

"Just go down the hallway, and when you see the room with the video games, and the action figures and the 50-foot-screen TV."

Leo's face lit up with excitement, but was short-lived when Davenport added, "Keep walking....thats mine."

Leo glanced back at Me. Davenport, let out a sigh and walked ways to find his bedroom.


As I wandered through the halls, growing increasingly frustrated with my inability to find my room

"This place is huge. I'm going to need a GPS just to find the bathroom" I muttered to myself before leaning against a wall in exasperation.

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