Chapter One

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Hello, first chapter out!

This is really just a backstory chapter, it took like 10 minutes to write, read and add the finishing touches. 

But alas, I thought backstory was a very much needed part of this story. so here we are!


The story about the creation of Hell is a lie. The story about an out of mind Seraphim and a woman who hated the man she was made to marry falling in love and doing all they could to stay together, ring a bell? How they were hugging one another while being ripped on their angel status and forced to fall to the pits of the cruel and dark realm they had created. All by giving someone the power of knowledge. A terribly sad story indeed.

But this story wasn't about forbidden love, but more about jealousy and betrayal.

Evangeline was created to rule over the Love District in Heaven. Rule over the Cupids and the Heaven-born angels that lived there and, of course, to finish off the Cherubim's. The embodiments of Trust, Bravery, Honesty and Love. But that wasn't the only reason she was created.

Lucifer wasn't the same after being shut down by the elders. So his sister, Sera, decided that while making the Cherubim of love she would combine a part of Lucifer's soul with the newly created angels. The first two soulmates this world saw.

The two were quick to fall in love, this was shown by the sweet baby angel that they were gifted with. A reward for the love they shared. But nothing lasts forever, as after the two lovers befriended the first woman, Lilith, would get jealous. How was it fair she got stuck with a man like Adam, but Evangeline got a man who promised her freedom. 

Freedom is all she wanted. That's why when Evangeline asked why she used her voice to control Lucifer's mind, a power Lucifer himself gifted her, she simply said the irony was laughable.

The bonded soul between the two breaks. And that's why if you ask Lucifer about the whole thing he would tell you it felt like a dream. That's why if you ask him why he allowed her to be queen of his domain, he would shrug his shoulders. That's why if you ask him why he married her, he would tell you it was the right thing to do. That's why if you asked him why he had a kid with her, he would have to look the other way. He doesn't know why he did any of it. And was he shocked that he woke up the day after his child was born to discover a note informing him she had left for good? To be honest, no.

But I guess that's just one more reason why, the moment he saw a portal and out came his true love, his Evangeline, he didn't hesitate to allow his soul to find comfort with her. Why didn't he think twice about allowing her to raise his child as if she was her own. And why when the thought of having another with her came up, even once, he didn't think twice about that either.

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