Chapter Two

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This chapter is quite long. it felt longer writing it but hey.

it also is give a lot of 'and bumble bee' vibes.., iykyk.

I also kinda have an idea in my head regarding Evangeline and Alastor's friendship/relationship. idk if I'm going for in 100% but for right now I'm writing the story as if I am.

the relationship between the two characters is completely platonic, there isn't going to be an affair or anything but idk how to right it in this chapter with the ability to rub it off later as if nothing happened in case I don't want to go through with it.

also the ending, felt very rushed. I was just too bored of writing this to do much more. sorry about that.

but please enjoy the first actual chapter in this story!


Warnings; None !


-Two Hundred Years Later-

Evangeline, who was minding her own business, was planning on doing nothing today. Not a thing. She was sitting on the couch in the living room of the Morningstar Manor, along with her son Angelo. The two were on their own phones, scrolling away while sinking into the couch. But of course the perfect silence didn't last. The only other person who actively calls this place home, Lucifer, came bursting through the doors. A nice hop in his step and a smile on his face.

"Evangeline! Get dressed, we gotta go!" The devil came to the back on the sofa, placed his hands on both of her shoulders. The woman turned her head to look back at her husband.

"What? Honey, I'm doing nothing today. I decided two minutes ago." The angel turned back to her phone, not batting an eye when she felt the hands leave her shoulders and make their way to the hand which wasn't holding her phone. Now Infront of her, the man spoke again.

"But, darling, Charlie invited us to see her hotel. You wouldn't just leave your child hanging would you?" It wasn't Evangeline who seemed oh so eager to go after finding out it was to see Charlie, instead it was the demon-angel creature sitting next to his mother.

"Oh, Charlie's hotel? I saw her on that news channel with that hot lady with the weird neck and a world war one guy. It was funny and sad to watch all at once. Let me come." Evangeline had finally put her phone down to fully join in this discussion as her husband was looking towards their son.

"No, your sister needs your mother and I there for a reason, not just to laugh at her. Maybe next time though." All this earned was a groan from the boy as he used his wings to lift himself off the couch and fly over to the door.

"I'll be in my room then. Who wants to go to a stupid hotel anyway. Rehabilitate sinners my ass." Lucifer was watching and listening to his sons mumbling closely. Ready to catch him on anything worth reacting to, which he so happened to find.

"Angelo! That's your big sister, be nice."

"Older by ten years, calm you boots!" Lucifer simply rolled his eyes before looking back down to his wife who was smiling to herself, looking back at their son who was walking out the room.

"Please join me, Evangeline. I've not seen her in years. You know she phoned me? And invited me over? I understand you and her are all happy but I- I was slacking with the father role. If I don't turn up to this she'll hate me even more." The angel gave her husband a look of empathy as she stood up.

"She doesn't hate you, don't be silly. I'll go, but you owe it to me." She offered a small smile, kissing him on his forehead softly before following the actions of her son and leaving the room. Leaving Lucifer by himself as she got ready.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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