Stay Gone

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"Don't keep coming back to me, One more time
If you don't intend to stay.

Once you leave, STAY GONE"

She is made exclusively of thorns that are prettier than petals
she ones has and she's proud of it.

She wants to stop. No she does not want to look back.

She surely does not want to travel those old lanes scrunching on the wet leaves, that have fallen after you have disappeared.

She has been betrayed, isolated, ghosted and left alone in the middle of the road.

She has been sculpted the way she is now.

She is not a bitch if she doesn't give a damn about anyone now.

She is made exclusively of thorns that are prettier than petals she once had
and she is still proud of it.

-ʕ•͡-•ʔ Dione

Hi Moonshines!
let me know how this one is.

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