I Just Can't

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I can't sleep at night, it's been a while now,
I don't turn on the lights, the dark keeps my demons calm.

My thoughts turn into questions, and then some more
It's a feast for my demons, they tear my soul.

If pictures speak louder than words,
why do we captions our photos? 
If words can express so well,
why do we silence our hearts echo?

If my skin is different than yours,
why does our blood run red beneath both of us?
If my home is different than yours,
Why do my demons live there too?

If my scars make for heavy baggage,
why did you give me yours to pack in as well?
If real beauty is on the inside, 
then my demons must be pretty too?

Bzzzz, Bzzzz the phone lights up!!
Feast is interrupted, my demons roar,
''Hey, you awake?'' I hit mute
I pick my demons over you


Hello Moonshines!
please let me know in the comments how this one is!

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