Chapter 16-My world

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Mid night

"Where are you lost?" The deep voice made jimin break out of his thoughts, as he turned his gaze towards the young commando.

"Umm, nothing." He mumbled, but jungkook know that something is wrong.

He mean.

The younger is not eating anything today! And it's not normal! From ever since he know jimin, he eats whenever they come at that place, but today he was strangely silent and lost in his thoughts.

"I know something is wrong minnie. You can tell me, you this right?" He asked.

For some moments, it was silent, as they both sat there in silence, where jungkook was waiting for jimin to say something, but his eyes widen in horror and he started to panic when he saw tears rolling down from jimin's orbs.

"W-what happen minnie!? Did I said something wrong?! I am sorry if I-"

"N-no jungkook, *sobs* y-you did nothing, i-it is j-just-"

"Then what happen minnie? Why are you crying like this?" He asked, now moving close to the younger to place his hand on his back to comfort him. Jimin kept wiping the continuous stream of tears by the sleeves of his shirt, but they seem like to not stop.

"Minnie, you are scaring me. Please tell me what happen?" again, jungkook asked, now moving his other hand to jimin's face to make him turn towards himself, wiping his tears by his thumb, while jimin sobbed with his eyes closed.

"I-irene, s-she *sobs* i-is ge-get-getting ma-married t-tomorrow." He said in a very small voice, and jungkook fell silent.

For an unknown reason, a strange king of happiness crept in his heart, but he ignored it as for now he has to stop his friend from crying.

"Jimin, she is the one whom you liked right?"

"N-not liked, I-i loved h-her. I s-still do." He said, making jungkook gulp slightly at his words. No you don't. His inner voice said, and he shook it away instantly.

"Minnie, it's fine. I know you must be feeling so hurt at this moment, but this is how life is. We don't get everything for which we pray for. Perhaps, god has some different things planned for you. Perhaps she was not the one for you and that is why she is getting away from you before you could confess to her. You will find someone better than her minnie. I believe on this." Jungkook said with a small smile on his face, making the younger open his orbs, and stare into the dark doe orbs of the elder.

Jungkook felt a strange feeling in his heart when his eyes met to jimin's. The tear stained face where his one hand resting on his cheek, his sparkling brown orbs and his flushed pink small nose and cheek which was because of crying, he was looking too cute to the poor eyes of the older commando, and he let out a chuckle.

"You are looking cute. Who will say that you are in army hmm?" He asked in gentle tone, and jimin pouted at his words.

"I am not c-cute. I am manly." He mumbled, making jungkook giggle at his words.

"B-but kookie, I loved her truly. It hurts thinking that she will never be mine." He mumbled, and the smile which was on jungkook's face got replaced by a frown.

"Stop thinking about her now. I know someone better than her must be waiting for you." He scolded, making jimin pout at his words even more.

"How can you be so sure? The only person with whom I dreamt of spending my life with is never going to be mine. How are you so sure that I can find someone better than her when she was the best in my eyes?"

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