Chapter five

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       "So you can call me Natalie by the way" Clockwork said as we sat on the proxy couch, Toby sat himself on the floor at her feet and leaned his back against the couch.
      "Tim and Brian are big on calling her Clockwork" Toby piped up "So the rest of us just call her Clockwork as well."
    "Why?" I asked "If you ask them to call you by name how is that any different from the proxies?"
    "They said I don't have the right" Natalie answered in a matter of fact tone "They said the same thing to Kate, it's why she left."
     Toby looked up at Natalie with a look of fear "Maybe we shouldn't talk about her" he suggested strongly.
     "Who's Kate?" I asked, I can't remember anyone talking at her before this point.
    Natalie smiled as she looked down at Toby "You don't want to tell her about the true first proxy? But what if she runs into her? She doesn't live that far off."
     Toby glanced towards the hall where the other three were getting off their outside clothes and taking turns showering then back to me "Kate was the first proxy" he explained, his tone low and quiet so no one could overhear "She's even stronger than Tim and Brian, its almost like she's part of a vessel for Slenderman. He over takes her body so shes not in control at all, she also is significantly stronger than the rest of us" he sighed then looked down "All I know is she, Tim, and Brian had a falling out when Tim insisted that she couldn't be like us, because she seemed to be part of him. She lives outside of the area that the dogs guard, sometimes we run into her and it's a good thing you never did. She will attack anyone and everyone if he's controlling her. That includes us" he looked back up at me "You cannot tell Tim and Brian that I told you about her, they hate talking about it. They don't even see her as a true proxy."
"Why?" I asked "Does she want to hurt people or is she forced to?"
"She's forced to" Natalie answered then sighed "And when he isn't controlling her she's actually really nice just... if you're too close when he takes over all you can hope is that you're able to fight her off."
Natalie pulled her green jacket off to reveal scars all over her arms "I tried to be her friend, I figured it would be lonely but she gets so upset about accidentally hurting others she swore she wouldn't get close to any of us ever again." She sighed "I feel so bad for her, I know how it feels to not exactly fit in."
"What do you mean?" I asked "Is it because there aren't many girls here?"
Natalie glanced over at Toby then back at me as she shook her head "No, I just... I don't want to kill anyone anymore, I just want a normal life. I'm tired of all of this but it's not exactly like I can just try to go join society" her hand covered her eye that held the clock "I would be labeled a freak, and it wouldn't take them long to figure out who I am and what I've done."
I felt my heart fall, so she was kind of like me in a way.. she too was trapped here...
"Don't feel bad for me though" she said, the smile on her face seeming forced "I'll just stay long enough to bother Liu and Sully."
Toby turned to me "She likes him" he informed me in a teasing tone "Because he's the most normal."
      Natalie rolled her eyes "Oh shut up, Not all of us want a literal demon."
      Toby laughed "Well, i guess that's fair. I would just hate the thought that if you ever got serious that your bother in law would be Jeff." He said Jeff as if it was the nastiest thing in the world.
Natalie frowned and swatted Toby's arm "Ewww, shut up. It's not even like that."
"Oh so Liu's just easy?" Toby asked, a big grin on his face as he teased Natalie.
"No but i hear Jack is" she shot back, her cocky grin matching his.
"Hey Quinn, can I see you?" I turned to see Tim leaning against the door frame, he was wearing a black and white button up plaid shirt and older distressed blue jeans. His hair was still wet from the shower.
I got up and walked over to him and we walked towards his room in silence. When he opened the door I realized that I hadn't been in his room before. It looked pretty similar to Brian's but his bookcases seemed to be filled with more mental health books than anything else. His desk was cleaner than Brian's as well. I walked in and stood off to the side. His face told me something was wrong "What happened?" I asked him as he closed the door behind us.
He sighed and walked over to the bed, sitting down then patting beside him for me to join. When I did he continued "I'm not sure if Clockwork would be a good person for you to hang out with" he said slowly, like he was unsure how to say it "We had some... issues before with her making Brian's life difficult."
"What do you mean?" I asked, was this what she meant about Brian always choosing Tim?
Tim sighed and looked away from me "I can't really tell you the whole story, because it's not mine to tell but... she was pretty uncomfortable with Brian being friends with me, and they weren't really dating just... friends with benefits I guess you would say."
"Why didn't she want you two to be friends?" I asked. When Natalie mentioned it she made it seem like Brian chose Tim over her but Tim was insisting that she made him choose.
Tim sighed "Well that's the part that I can't tell you, that's Brian's business."
"So you don't trust her?" I asked, trying to change the subject, it was obvious Tim wouldn't cave and tell me why.
Tim shook his head "I honestly think her whole 'i just want to be normal again' is just a lie. I can't see how she would suddenly have such a change of heart. She was killing more frequently than Jeff for years."
"But what if she isn't?" I asked him "What if she really does want to change?"
He sighed "Well worst case scenario, I'm wrong and am a dick. But if I were to believe her and it's all some lie, then she could try to fuck me over again." He looked up at me and chuckled "I know I sound overly dramatic but... Brian's all I have here. And I'm not willing to lose another friend."
"Did he love her?" I asked him "or was it purely for sex?"
Tim smiled as if he was entertained "Do you like Brian?" He asked, his tone teasing "Want me to tell him? i bet he would love that information."
I felt my face redden "No" i answered. Did I like Brian? I definitely felt safe with him but I hadn't thought much about dating since I got here.
Tim leaned forward, touching my cheek gently as his dark brown eyes seemed to gaze into my soul "Really?" He asked, his tone huskier now "Then do you like me?" He asked.
My face got hot was I looked at him. Tim was definitely good looking but he seemed like he didn't really want me here. So was he just teasing me? Or was this just for sex?
I pulled back from him "I don't really have interest in a purely sexual relationship" i told him honestly.
I didn't want to go through a loveless relationship again, most of the relationships I had had in my life had been purely sex and I couldn't help the fact that I ruined them by wanting affection.
Tim chuckled and leaned back "I didn't say it was purely sexual" he said, a soft smile on his lips "I actually think you're really nice and I like being around you."
      I felt my face redden, and I looked down. This was just too much. There was no way I liked Tim... right? But what about Brian? All of this was just too much.
      "I think I need a minute to process this" i told him as I got up and walked to the door.
      I made my way to Brian's and let out a sigh of relief when I saw the room was empty. I walked over to the bed and flopped down and sighed.
     What was I going to do? If I was stuck here forever it wouldn't be a bad thing to get into a relationship but did I like Tim like that? We honestly never seemed to have time alone since I normally was with either Brian or Toby. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to try to spend more time with him alone..
    I jumped when the door opened and I turned to see Brian wearing nothing but a towel, his hair pushed back and was still wet. His light brown eyes landed on me and he smiled "Hey, didn't expect you to be in here" he said in a cheery tone as he made his way to him dresser where he began to pull out clothes and sit them on top of the dresser "I thought you were with Toby and Clockwork."
      "Do you trust her?" I asked, coming off more blunt than I had intended.
     Brian froze for a second then turned to me, a look of confusion on his face "Why?" He asked, his tone slightly less cheery now "What was said to you?"
     "Nothing" i lied "Outside of Natalie making a comment that you two were a thing."
    Brian seemed to relax after what i told him and chuckled as he went back to grabbing clothes "Is that what she said? We slept together a few times, that was it."
     "Why'd you stop?" I asked, trying to just seem innocently curious.
     He turned back to me and sighed "Turn around while I get dressed" he said "Then I'll tell you okay? Unless you want a free show, then keep watching." He shot me a wink.
     I laughed and turned my back to him, at least he didn't seem too bothered by me asking.
"So is this because Tim made a move?" He asked, making me turn in surprise but when I saw he had dropped the towel I turned back around hoping he hadn't seen me, my face was hot and red with embarrassment.
"How did you know?" I asked, were they really that close?
Brian chuckled "He just wanted to make sure he wasn't crossing any lines" he explained "But you and I aren't together so I told him to go for it"
     "He made it seem like you were interested" I told him honestly "So was he just teasing me?"
     Brian chuckled "No, he wouldn't tease you like that, he genuinely likes you" he walked over and sat behind me on the bed and wrapped his arms around my stomach, resting his chin on my shoulder; our bodies pressed together "Neither would I" he continued "I honestly like you too, I sort of figured it was obvious."
I felt my face redden again as Brian's lips brushed my neck, leaving kisses that sent shivers all over my body, his strong arms pulling me close to him as he began to suck and bite my neck.
I closed my eyes as I resisted letting out a moan, my body easily craving him to touch me more, so i took his hand and lead it up to my boob where he began to fondle me. I could feel him get off the bed and he leaned me back, climbing back on top of me, kissing me hungrily and he began to pull my shirt up and off then he pulled back to look at me "You look amazing" he said in a husky tone and leaned back down, kissing and sucking on my boobs as he other hand slid down into my pants, rubbing me through my panties. I granted him more access by spreading my legs. Brian pulled back up and i could see he only had joggers on. He pulled my pants off and tossed them to the side, the began to nibble on my thighs. I was basically putty in his hands, he could've done anything he wanted to me and I would've allowed it.

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