Chapter six

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      I followed Tim and Brian to the kitchen, I was trying my best to keep my cool but any time I caught Brian looking at me I knew my face reddened. He had absolutely surpassed my expectations and I couldn't help but keep thinking about it.
     "I asked what you wanted" Tim said, leaning closer to me and snapping me out of my head, he chuckled at my red face "What did I miss?" He asked as his eyes transferred over to Brian then he chuckled "Good for you" he said as if he read something off Brian's completely expressionless face.
     "I'll have whatever" i said, changing the subject which brought a smile to both Tim and Brian.
     "No need to be embarrassed" Brian said in a flirty tone "Tim knew I liked you too."
      "No hard feelings" Tim said with a shrug "Cause who knows, you could still fall for me" he said with a sly smile.
Brian chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist "You think I'm willing to share her? Cause probably" he said then laughed and gave me a peck on the cheek before walking off ahead of us.
Tim chuckled and turned back to me "He's probably not kidding" he said then shook his head "Ignore him though, I only want you if you like me too."
I felt my face redden again as I followed Tim into the kitchen. He walked over to Brian and they began to chat. I looked over to the breakfast table where Liu was sitting. He looked up and smiled at me "Hey Quinn" he greeted me "Sorry about yesterday, Sully can be a bit much sometimes, hopefully he didn't do anything too bad." His tone was softer than it normally was.
      "You don't remember?" I asked, I didn't know anything about how his split personality worked.
     He shook his head "Sully can remember what I know, but it just gets... dark when he's out" he answered then sighed "If you meet him again just ignore him, he's pretty immature."
     I smiled at him "Will do" i told him and turned when I heard footsteps approaching.
Natalie was coming down the hall, her arm intertwined with Toby's as they walked into the breakfast nook.
Liu narrowed his eyes at them for a second then turned back to me "So how was your night?" He asked, his eyes flicking over to Tim and Brian then back at me. There was no way that he actually knew... right?
"It was okay" i answered, trying to come off nonchalant "How was yours?"
He shrugged "Not sure, it took a while for Sully to decide he was going back away" he answered as Natalie and Toby sat and the table side by side.
      Jack walked in and sat beside Liu, his attention on the two in front of him "Yall fucking again?" He asked bluntly, this was the first time his tone lacked emotion.
Natalie looked up at Jack and laughed "Why would I want to do that?" She asked then glanced at Toby "No offense but you get too clingy."
"Maybe because my father gave me abandonment issues." Toby responded with a shrug then looked at Jack "Are you mad at me?" He asked.
Liu got up and walked over to me "This is probably gunna start a yelling match, want to ditch before Toby goes Hulk mode?"
I nodded and we walked through the house to a living room that I hadn't been in before. Jeff and BEN were sitting on a couch and playing Mario cart on the tv. Both glanced up at me "Hey Quinn" BEN said in a cheery voice as he sat his controller down "You already bored of the proxies? Can't blame you there." He said.
Liu snorted and crossed his arms "No, more like Toby and Clockwork are close again. Jack's asking questions."
Jeff looked interested when he heard that and looked over at us "Were they about to fight?" He asked, his tone almost seeming giddy.
Liu rolled his eyes "Where did our parents fuck up so bad with you?" He asked.
"Says the one who has another dude inside of him" Jeff retorted as he got up and walked past us towards the kitchen, slamming his shoulder into Liu as he walked past.
"What's his issue?" I asked, turning back to Liu and BEN who didn't seem put off by Jeff's attitude.
"I assume your parents dropped him on his head as a baby" BEN suggested and he looked at Liu.
"No, I think maybe his heads just fucked" Liu answered with a shrug as he made his way over to the couch and flopped beside BEN, patting the empty cushion beside him.
I walked over and sat beside him "So do you hate him?" I asked "It's got to be really hard to try to forgive him for everything he's done to you."
Liu sighed and looked down, his lips drooping into a frown "I tried to forgive him years ago" he said as he looked over at me "But he was too far gone, that thing is hardly my brother. More like, an imposter wearing my brother as a meat suit."
    My heart fell when he said it, so Liu had tried to reach out but it was already too late.. now I could see why everyone hated Jeff so much..
     But also years ago, maybe these two had been here nearly as long as Tim and Brian "Hey, how long have you two lived here?" I asked.
Liu shrugged "Maybe eight years" he answered and glanced at BEN "You were one of the firsts weren't you?" He asked.
BEN nodded "I got here before Toby did, for a while it was just Tim, Brian, Kate, and I."
"You met Kate?" I asked, leaning forward so i could see him better around Liu.
BEN cocked his head to the side "You know about Kate? I figured Tim and Brian wouldn't want to talk about her, that story doesn't paint them in a good light."
"Clockwork mentioned her" i told him, figuring it was smarter to leave Toby out of it just in case he told Brian or Tim.
"I'm not sure she's something we can tell you about?" BEN said slowly then he sighed "Look, Tim kinda stepped up as a father figure to most of us and I just... i don't want to piss him off."
     Liu nodded "That is fair, he was like five years older than the rest of us but he really stepped up" then he smiled slightly at me "Oh yeah, you asked to see that thing in my room" he said, grabbing my wrist and rushing me out of the room the BEN was in and down the hall we had went down to the dog house, stopping in front of one of the door and pulling out a key to unlock the door.
    "So why are we going to your room?" I asked.
    Liu smiled over at me mischievously "You want to know about Kate right? I can tell you everything I know if you want"
     I nodded and followed him into his room, his room was pretty empty outside of a king size bed, a sofa, and a tv on the wall. He walked over and flopped down on the bed "You want something to drink?" He asked as he sat up, pulling a bottle of wine out of his bed "I'm pretty much a functioning alcoholic so you wont find anything non alcoholic in here." He said with a chuckle as he popped the cork and took a swig right from the bottle and held it out to me.
"I'm fine" i told him as I sat on the bed "So what do you know?" I asked.
He sat the bottle between his legs and sighed "So from what I hear, she was the first one with the big guy. Apparently whatever he did to make her a proxy was vastly different from the ones who stay here, It's more like she gets possessed by the big guy himself. I know at one point she got into a fight with Tim and Brian and she messed Tim up pretty bad, he has a few scars from her, including the one on his cheek but that wasn't even the fight that made them kick her out of the house. She got into a fight with Jeff and almost killed him, after that Tim said she wasn't safe to be around at all" he took another swig then sighed "Natalie tried to get get close to her as well, but when she gets possessed she can't help but go into full attack mode. After that Tim made us all swear that we would stay away from her. From what I hear she's only allowed out at night with the dogs, sometimes she goes out with the proxies as well but she isn't allowed around the house."
"So she just lives out there all alone?" I asked, for some reason it made me sad to think about.
Liu snorted "Yeah, if you go out there you'd be dead in a heartbeat. Can you even fight?"
     I frowned "Why are you so nice one second and then cold then next?"
    He sighed and took another swig "Well, when you live with something else inside your head it's kinda hard to keep a good mood. Sully's a bit of a kill joy."
     "Oh" i said, I felt uncomfortable over the way that I seemed to have judge too quickly. I hadn't even thought about the fact that he had another person inside of him.
       He chuckled and held up the bottle "This helps me get him to shut up" he said then held it out "Come on, it's sad if I drink alone."
      I sighed and took the bottle from him, taking a swig and then passing it back "I'm sorry if I was being rude" i told him "I didn't mean to be a dick."
      He shrugged "No one can really understand what I go through, it's much different than what everyone else goes through."
       "So how does it work exactly?" I asked "If that's not overstepping."
       Liu chuckled and held the bottle out to me "How about you drink with me, sip for sip and I'll explain it the best I can?"
I nodded and took the bottle from him and took a swig "So when did he... show up?"
"In the hospital, after Jeff tried to kill me" he answered then sighed "When i tried to talk to the doctor about him, he said he thought that my brain made him up in order to deal with everything I had been through." He took the bottle and took a swig "For a while I tried to make him understand how he could and couldn't act but... things got pretty bad so we ran away and ended up here. Our first few years were hard.. i tried to fix the relationship between Jeff and I but it wasn't something that can be fixed, he can't be fixed."
"Does he like Natalie as well?" I asked "I heard you two were sort of a thing."
Liu snorted "More like she and I are good friends, I have no interest but Sully loves that she's willing to sleep with him. Although outside of that they don't get along" he held out the bottle to me again "I don't really see the point in attempting a relationship if Sully can just mess it up so easily."
I nodded as i took the bottle and finished it off then sat it on the floor near my feet "So how does it feel.. when he takes over I mean."
Liu seemed to consider the question for a second before answering "Nothing, it's like I've gone to bed or something. I just sort of like I come to and I don't know what happened or what I'm doing. He doesn't come out too often here but Jeff and Natalie tend to be big triggers for him. Jeff out of hate and Natalie out of lust. Although I'm sure he would like you plenty as well."
I frowned "Why me? Wouldn't he want someone more like himself?"
Liu chuckled dryly "He doesn't care about any of that, but you came alone into a room of a known killer, and you didn't even tell anyone."
I felt a wave of discomfort flood over me. He was totally right, Tim and Brian must've noticed I had gone missing but I hadn't even told them where I was going.
"You can go if you want" Liu said as if he read my mind "I'm sure those two goons of yours are looking everywhere for you by now." He chuckled then leaned closer to me "Since I answered so many of your questions can you answer just one of mine?" He asked.
      I shrugged, it seemed fair. And after I answered it would go find Tim and Brian so they wouldn't freak out.
     "So which one are you fucking?" He asked bluntly as he leaned back "Or is it both? They seem to be a little too close so I wouldn't be shocked."
I felt my face redden. If anyone else has asked I wouldn't answer. But i too had overstepped with some of my questions so it was fair right?..
"I only slept with Brian" i answered honestly "Tim offered but I thought it was purely sexual so I turned him down."
Liu chuckled "Good for you, both of them are good guys." He said as he got up "Maybe one day I can be good enough to find someone like you."
I got up and followed him to the door "Liu, you are a good person."
He chuckled dryly "No I'm not, how can you trust someone who literally turns into a different person?"
Just then the door slammed open in front of us. Tim looked up, he was panting as if he had been running around. His brown eyes glanced between Liu and I "What did you do to her?" He asked, his voice dripping with venom as he looked at Liu.
Liu held up his hands in a defensive pose "Nothing" he answered "Just got her away from Toby and Jack's squabble."
I nodded and stepped between the two of them "He's not lying" i told Tim "We just came in here to talk, he told me more about Sully and how that all works."
     Tim sighed and ran his hand through his hair before turning back to me "Fine, let's go. Brian was worried that someone lured you off for... different reasons."
     "As in sex or murder?" Liu asked, a shit eating grin on his face "Because if it's the first do you really think she would put out?"
      Tim narrowed his eyes at Liu "Don't talk down to me" he growled but when he looked back over at me the hurt was obvious in his face.
      I followed him out of Liu's room and down the hall "I didn't know he would say anything to you" i told him "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have told him."
      Tim glanced at me then back forward "It's fine, he's not doing anything that I haven't done to them. But maybe from now on you keep your personal stuff to yourself, everyone here loves to overstep since there's nothing better to do."
      "What happened with Toby and Natalie?" I asked "After I left I mean."
      Tim shrugged "Not sure, Toby and Jack were fighting when we checked. That's when we noticed you were gone so they seemed to make a truce and were helping us look."
"Im sorry I worried you" i told him "I didn't even think about it, I should've said something."
Tim stopped walking and turned to me, letting out a sigh "You're right, you should have" then his face softened "But luckily it was just Liu, him and Sully wouldn't have a reason to hurt you but I also feel like Sully would try to make a move on you."
"So you were jealous?" I asked, teasing him just a little in hopes to lighten the mood.
Tim sighed again and looked away from me "Probably" he answered in a softer voice then his brown eyes came back to me "I mean, you sort of rejected me and then the next day disappeared with Liu."
I felt my heart drop, I had actually hurt Tim by my actions. I hadn't intended to but maybe my teasing was uncalled for. After all, Tim had been very sweet to me since I had gotten here..
He patted my shoulder "Don't feel bad, no one can help how they feel."
As he turned to walk off I grabbed his wrist, making him turn back to me "I don't know how I feel" i told him honestly, looking down to avoid seeing his reaction "Both Brian and you make me feel so safe... I'm worried about messing that up."
"Really?" He asked, his tone had hints of amusement in it making me look up to see a smile on his face "I don't think you could mess anything up, I mean having someone here who can make you feel normal is nice.. even if you don't like me."
I leaned forwards and kissed him, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer as he kissed me back hungrily.
He took my hand and broke away, leading me to his room and closing the door behind us, kissing me roughly again.
He walked me backwards to his bed, our lips never leaving each other until he pushed me back onto the bed. He pulled his shirt off to reveal his toned torso that had scars scattered all over it. He leaned down over me and kissed my lips before moving to my neck and sucking and biting on it, making me let out a small moan.
He pulled back and looked at me, lust obvious in his face "You didn't drink with Liu did you?" He asked.
     I nodded and then tried to pull him back down to me, my body craving him.
    He sighed and grabbed his shirt from the ground and pulled it on, glancing back at me "We can't do anything then, Brian and I have to spike any drinks we get him. He always complained about not being a lightweight so we fixed it."
     "You drug him?" I asked, my tone harsh as I felt anger build inside me. What gave them the right?
     "Only to help him" Tim said defensively as he held up his hands "If he ever asked us to stop we would... we just don't want him suicidal again."
     My heart dropped "What?" I asked. He hadn't mentioned that to me but then again, why would he? The thought of Liu suffering so much made me feel broken. He didn't deserve any of the things he was forced to deal with.
     Tim said and sat on the bed "When he first got here he was so happy to see Jeff was already here.. but Jeff was different. He didn't care about Liu anymore and that made things... difficult. Sully was the one who suggested we added a little something extra. As much as he's an asshole he doesn't want Liu to die or he does too. And Liu seems happier too."
      "You have to tell him" I pointed out "What if he shares with someone like he did me?"
     Tim chuckled "We never had that issue before, normally he's stingy so I guess he decided you were different."
"Really?" I asked. That didn't seem right. He definitely hung out with Natalie and everyone seemed to like him.
Tim chuckled "I think you underestimate how much a pretty face and nice personality can get you around here. You're the exact thing that most of us yern for."
I frowned "Well I'm more than a pretty face and a nice person."
Tim smiled "I know, I was just talking about what anyone who doesn't know you well would see."
"Is Liu okay?" I asked "I mean, I can see why he would struggle with everything here."
Tim sighed "That's sort of a difficult question to answer. I mean, he shouldn't try anything anytime soon but I don't think I can say he's okay. Everyone reacts to this place differently, and he aligns a lot closer to us proxies than the other."
A knock on the door made me jump.
"Who is it?" Tim asked, his tone bordering annoyed.
The door opened and Brian smiled when he saw me "Good, you found her" he said as he walked in and walked up to me "Are you okay? No one tried anything right?"
     "She was with Liu, he apparently offered her some of his booze." Tim answered for me.
     Brian's face contorted into one of concern "He let you drink with him? How much did you have?"
     "Like half a bottle of wine" i answered him honestly.
     Brian sighed "You shouldn't just drink with anyone here, that's really not safe. A lot of the guys here would jump on you simply for being inebriated." He scolded.
     "Well it doesn't help that you guys are spiking his stiff does it?" I countered.
     Brian glanced at Tim then back at me and sighed "Look, it's for his own well being okay? We can't afford to have him act like he did when he first got here, both Sully and him were... difficult to manage."
     "So you drug him?" I countered.
     Brian held out his hand to me "Come on, let's get you back in my room and I'll explain it better okay?"

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