8. "You have proved how unfit you are for such prestigious gatherings."

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"Wait, so you're not allowed to leave the hospital at all?" Eva questioned incredulously, her eyebrows scrunched up. We had just finished our early morning ward round.

"New CEO's orders." I muttered agitatedly under my breath.

"What is his problem with you?"

"I'm dying to know too."

"I'm still unable to process that he's the CEO; what made him make that decision overnight?" She said.

The overnight revelation to make my life hell for some sin I'm sure I never committed.

"The second worst thing someone has ever done to me." His words echoed in my mind. What was that even supposed to mean?

What's the first worst thing? I found myself impulsively wondering.

"Earth to Aysel." Eva snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

I sighed. "I feel like a hostage in here, Eva."

"I have a useful piece of advice for you," she said, making me look at her expectantly. "Go to his office. Tell him to fuck off and that you won't take orders from him."

I shook my head. "He's technically our boss."

"Not a good one."

I sighed again. "Yeah, he's worse than Dr. Bailey."

She giggled in response.

"Hey guys!" Andrew walked up to us. We greeted him back. "I heard the list has been put up of all the doctors that will be attending the annual surgical conference."

My eyes lit up at the news. I had been excitedly looking forward to that conference. It was an excellent opportunity for young doctors like me to learn, grow and connect with other professionals in the field. Plus it was a great addition in the CV. I was positive that I had made the list. Not that I mean to brag, but I had put in more hours than any other doctor of my same rank ever since I had started working. I hadn't taken a single day off or slacked off. I had to be selected to attend that conference, right?

My enthusiasm died as soon as I went to see the list with Andrew and Eva. My eyes scanned the list over and over again, desperately searching for my name, hoping it was there somewhere and I was just somehow unable to see it.

"There has to be a mistake." Andrew voiced. My heart sank in my chest. All the junior doctors working in the general surgery department had been selected. Except me.

Eva frowned, disbelief coating her features as she closed her face in on the list as if that would magically ink my name on it. My lips thinned. I wanted to cry. It must seem pathetic, but I had been dreaming of attending that conference since I was in medical school. I was enthusiastic about that kind of stuff.

Andrew turned to me. "You should go talk to Dr. Bailey. I'm sure it's a mistake. Why would they leave only you out?"

A little spark of hope lit up in my heart. Perhaps it was a genuine mistake. Perhaps I could still go.

I nodded. "I'll go talk to her."

"Yeah, go." He agreed, giving me a gentle push toward her office.


"There's no mistake, Dr. Aysel. That list is final." Dr. Bailey deadpanned. My heart sank again.

"But that's not fair," I couldn't help but argue. "How is it possible that I have worked the hardest out of everyone and put in extra hours all these months, to be the only one who is left out to avail an opportunity like this?"

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