Bands best friend :

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"Hurry up,leprechaun hunters starting turn on the tv." Says Kevin.
"Which one turns on the tv?" Asked Nick.
"It's this one." Says Joe.
"That's the drum lowerer,Hi Frankie." Says Nick.
*Frankie waves at them*
"I think it's this one,that activates the confetti haha." Says Kevin.
"This one doesn't do anything,I'm guessing this one turns off the lights." Says Nick.
"Turn it back on,turn it back on." Yelled Kevin.
"This one only turns off lights,find the one that turns them back on." Says Joe.
They turn the lights back on to see Mr Lucas standing there with a purple face.
"Ahhh." They scream.
"So funny thing,I was making a smoothie and suddenly the blender comes on by itself." Says Mr Lucas.
"So that's what this was for." Says Nick.
"We're gonna miss leprechaun Hunter." Says Joe.
"Leprechaun Hunter." Says Mr Lucas,turning on the tv.
"It's leprechaun hunting time." They all say.

*Kevin comes down the fire pole*
"Ok Frankie you hide,we'll count to 20 and then we'll come and find you." Says Joe.
"I know how hide and seek works." Says Frankie.
"Ready,Go." Says Nick.
*Frankie goes to hide*
"Wow kids these days,everything just moves so fast." Says Kevin.
*the doorbell rings*
"That's shoe." Says Joe.
*the door opens*
"Shoe,oh it's just you." Says Joe.
"Aww thanks it's really good to see you too." Says Stella.
"Sorry,just thought you were the shoe." Says Joe.
"You mean Carl Schuster from elementary school?" Says Stella.
"Yeah he's here for a visit,I hope he does that thing where he pretends to be a clumsy robot who can't stop bumping into me." Says Nick.
"The clumsy robot,I loved it when he did that,excuse me." Says Joe,making robot sounds and bumping into Nick.
"Stop it." Says Nick.
"I'm sorry." Says Joe.
"Stop it." Says Nick.
"I don't do it as good as him." Says Joe.
"I will never forget the last time I saw the shoe,actually I don't remember the last time I saw the shoe,he was more of Joe's friend." Says Kevin.
"Well I clearly remember the time in 3rd grade when the shoe filled my Penelope peach pit purse with pudding." Says Stella.
Kevin laughs.
"You think that's funny?" Says Stella.
"No Ma'am." Says Kevin.
"Stella,usually when a boy is mean to a girl,he's crushing on her." Says Joe.
"Are you defending him?" Asked Stella.
"No Ma'am." Says Joe.
*The doorbell rings*
"Heyo check out my rockstars." Says Carl.
"What's up man." Says Joe.
"So good to see you,oh look at you,how are you?" Says Carl,ruffling Nick's hair and hugging Kevin.

"For the next couple of days I'm gonna be the 4th Jonas band member alright,Stella Malone my how you have grown." Says Carl.
"You put plum pudding in my Penelope peach pit purse." Says Stella.
"Did she spit on anyone else besides me?" Asked Joe.
"Cool place,mind if I look around?" Asked Carl.

"Excuse me,pardon me,I'm a robot,very clumsy." Says Carl,bumping into Nick.
"The clumsy robot,YES!,so funny." Yelled Joe.

*Later that day*

"Or that time at summer camp when that rabbit got into our tent and Kevin went all screaming." Says Joe.
"The shadow made it look like a bear." Says Kevin.
"With big floppy ears?" Says Nick.
"That's what made it more scary." Says Kevin.
*they all laugh*
"Those were such great times but I didn't come here to talk about them,I wanna hear all about your crazy rockstar lives." Says Carl.
"Hey do I hear Carl the shoe schuster?,last time I saw you,you were wearing your alien ninja costume,I didn't think you ever took that off." Says Mr Lucas.
"Got it on under the shirt sir." Says Carl.
"You know Joe still wears his dinosaur underwear." Says Mr Lucas.
"That was one time,including today." Says Joe.
"Well look,Me fire casa es su fire casa,I don't know the Spanish word for fire." Says Mr Lucas.
"Fuego sir." Says Carl.
"You're welcome Carl." Says Mr Lucas.

"Hey remember the time we practiced signing autographs using cheese spray?" Asked Carl.
"When was that?" Asked Nick.
"Right now,woooo yeah." Says Carl.
"Dude,dude you're cheesing our wall." Says Kevin.
"Come on,your rockstars,rock n roll." Says Carl.

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