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Ishika's pov:
5 hours ago:

When we both were about to leave the mall I suddenly tripped but Sara held me by my arm and made me sit on one of the chairs.

She bought me water and asked me "Kya hua, are you okay?" I held my tummy and said "I don't know I don't feel good" I knew I was going to throw up.

We both rushed towards the restroom and I puked in the basin. She held my hair back and rubbed my back constantly.

Again after that I drunk some water and we left in the car. "You should see a doctor" she said and I just nodded , because I was not feeling good.

After a while , she stopped the car infront of the clinic which we used to visit whenever we were sick.

We both went inside and the doctor saw us.
"Ishika , Sara what got you here are you both well?" The doctor said.

Sara nodded and said "Doctor can you please check Ishika she's not really feeling well"

"Yes ofcourse" I went inside and they checked me. After a while when I sat on the bed she said "Ishika you're pregnant"

I raised my eyes at her. "What?" I can't be pregnant right now , not now. Me and Aditya have to deal with some problem right now.

"Take this and see if the test is positive" she said , I looked at Sara and she nodded looking at me.

She handed me the pregnancy tube and I went inside the restroom. When I was done , I waited for a while. I held my head because I was so stressed out because I had to deal with this thing with Aditya and I just needed some time away from he. How could he lie to me.

While I was just thinking I looked at the test and it turned out to be positive, I was happy and sad at the same time.

I came out of the restroom and I placed the tube on the table Sara saw the test and she look that me with a happy expression.

She gave me a big hug and said "bro I am so happy for you" her voice was almost cranky she was happy too.

When she looked at me, she asked "what's wrong"

"Sara I am happy too but I am just scared how am I going to tell this to Aditya" I said.


After I left , I told the driver to take me home to my mumma. When I reached there I ran inside and saw mumma and Baba sitting in the living room they looked at me and mumma came asking me "Ishika Tum Kyun ro Rahi Ho kya hua baccha did Aditya do something" and she held my cheeks.

My eyes was swollen and my face was turned red because of constantly crying I had been crying all the way here too.

She held me by my shoulder and made me sit on the couch , she bought me water and after drinking water Baba asked me " Ishika what happened"

"Mumma baba I have to tell you something Baba you won't believe I don't know how to tell you guys this" I said looking down.

"Ishika please Darana band karo and tell us what happened" mumma said.

"Baba , Aditya" I was about to say when Ishan came from the front door he looked at me and I went towards him with baby steps.

I hugged him tightly and the asked me "Ishika Achanak se Tum yahan sab theek hai na" and he rubbed my shoulder.

I looked at him and shook my head. After I felt that I should tell them I finally started talking
"Bhai Baba , Aditya was involved in dealing drugs and guns before marrying me and I came to know this now"

I looked at them and there were no expressions on their faces I was so confused and this even frightened me more.

"Aap logo ko yah pata tha?" I asked them.

Baba looked down and nodded slowly.

I stood up and stepped back because everyone was lying to me. "Aaplog kyu yeh sab kar rahe hai mere sath" I said in a very low voice.

"Ishika just sit here and listen to me" bhai said approaching towards me. I pointed my finger towards him and said "No. Shut up. You all knew that he was involved in these things and still you made me marry him how could you?"

Everyone stayed silent.

I held my bag walked towards the door when mumma called me and said "Ishu mere are you going" and then both of them showed me sympathy. Not sympathy but they actually cared but now it seems like sympathy.

"Right now I don't want to stay with the people who are lying to me. Don't worry I'll be fine mumma" I said and immediately left from there.

I sat in the car and the driver started driving.

I just wanted to be alone right now. After a while the car stopped and I walked out. It was a sunset point.

I slowly went and sat on the edge of the rock. The sun was going down slowly.

When you know the close one hurts us the most. How could my own brother lie to me before marriage he showed so much care that I would be fine after the marriage.

I was , I was so in love with Aditya and I'm still. Whatever he is or he was this would never make my love less for him. I'm only his but I just need time to think.

I don't know if I did the right thing walking away from there. I could have just talked to him , I don't know if he's okay or not.

I checked my phone for any message but there wasn't. Should I call him?


It was getting dark and I had only one place to go It was Sara.


After knocking for a while she opened the door. "Sara what took you so long , omg what happened" I said looking at her because her face had turned red.

She had been crying. She hugged me tightly and sobbed into my chest. Oh god we both were in the same condition.

I made her sit on the couch and bought her water. After drinking I asked her "kya hua"

"Ishika , I broke up with tarun because he lied to me. He tried so much to convince me that he had left all of that behind but i just couldn't take this because he lied to me" she said.

I nodded.

"Tum yaha kaise" she said wiping her tears.
"I- I wanted a break from this. Same thing happened , he tried to convince but he lied to me" I said.

"What about pregnency?" She asked.

"Yeah he knows. He was happy and said too just , let's just not talk about this now" I said lying on the couch because I was so stressed.

"You're pregnant jhyada stress mat lo tum. Did you eat something?" She asked. I shook my head.

She went in the kitchen and bought some snacks to eat. For some distraction I switched on the tv and while watching I just went to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter ❤️

Stay tuned for the next chapter

Have a nice day Byieee 💕

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