chapter 4

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I went to my room and I was just mad, him bringing up the past? I hated what went down. I sat at my window and watched as Dad gave Hugo's dad a tour of the castle. They were moving quick with this.

I sat there and looked back at all those years ago:

Flashback: (Hugo is 15 Sofia is 14)

Sofias pov:

I finished riding minumis after a long day of school when I bumped into Hugo. I asked if he wanted to go skate to practice for our up and coming nationals.

Hugo gave me a blank stare and just sighed "Sofia I've been meaning to tell you... I dropped our entry to nationals. I just don't like to skate anymore like we used to"


I was mad "HUGO WHAT! after everything that happened between the fight of you and your dad your just gonna drop it right now?!"

Hugo was obviously upset with me as he got furious "Sofia your the one who forced me into these competitions and it's childish. I don't need this when I need to prepare for what's to come of the future to think about my kingdom. You don't get it cause your just a village girl. You won't rule a kingdom, you can never be on top."

I broke. I knew my roots but to throw it in my face? "Your right I am a village girl, but as I'm a village girl I made changes bigger then you can imagine" I then just walked away.

Back to the future:

Village girl. That's all I was to him. Hate filled my mind.

Dinner was called and I washed up heading to the dining hall. Sitting next to Hugo I was mad
No not mad furious. He looked at me and just shook his head, " why are you so mad huh?" He whispered. That set me off alittle more "because I'm just a village girl and us village girls have no place in a castle."

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