chapter 15

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Sofia's POV:

The past few months had been a whirlwind of preparation and anticipation. The palace was buzzing with excitement for the arrival of the royal baby, but as my pregnancy progressed, my health began to decline. At seven months pregnant, I found myself bedridden more often than not, struggling with persistent fatigue and bouts of dizziness.

The royal physicians were attentive, constantly monitoring my condition, but their worried expressions betrayed their concern. Hugo and Amber were by my side, their worry etched into their faces. I could see the strain my condition was putting on them, and it broke my heart.

One morning, as the early sunlight filtered through the curtains, I woke to find Hugo sitting by my bedside, his hand gently holding mine. His eyes, usually so full of warmth and confidence, were clouded with worry.

"Good morning," I whispered, managing a weak smile.

"Good morning, my love," he replied, his voice soft but strained. "How are you feeling today?"

I tried to muster some strength. "A little better, I think."

Hugo's grip tightened on my hand. "Sofia, you need to rest. The doctors are doing everything they can, but you have to take care of yourself and our baby."

"I know," I said, my voice faltering. "I'm trying, Hugo. I just feel so helpless."

He leaned in, kissing my forehead. "You are the strongest person I know. We'll get through this together. Just focus on getting better."

Amber's POV:

Watching Sofia struggle was agonizing. She had always been so vibrant and full of life, and seeing her confined to bed, her health deteriorating, filled me with a deep sense of helplessness. Zandar and I did our best to keep things running smoothly, but the palace felt different – the weight of worry permeated the air.

One afternoon, as I was overseeing the final preparations for the nursery, James approached me, his expression serious.

"Amber, how is Sofia?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"She's fighting," I replied, trying to keep my composure. "But it's been hard. The doctors are doing everything they can, but..."

James nodded, understanding my unspoken fears. "We'll be ready when the baby arrives. Zandar and I have everything under control here. You focus on Sofia."

"Thank you, James," I said, grateful for his support. "She needs all the strength she can get right now."

Hugo's POV:

As the days went by, Sofia's condition continued to worsen. I spent every possible moment by her side, trying to keep her spirits up. The palace staff worked tirelessly to ensure everything was ready for the baby's arrival, but the joy we should have felt was overshadowed by fear.

One evening, as I sat by Sofia's bedside, Amber and Zandar joined us. The room was filled with a heavy silence, each of us lost in our thoughts.

"Sofia, we're here for you," Amber said, her voice full of determination. "We're going to get through this together. The baby will be here soon, and you'll see – everything will be alright."

Sofia smiled weakly. "Thank you, Amber. I know you're all doing everything you can."

Zandar placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Hugo, if there's anything you need, anything at all, just let us know. We're family, and we'll face this together."

I nodded, feeling a flicker of hope. "Thank you, Zandar. It means a lot."

Sofia's POV:

The days blurred together as I drifted in and out of sleep, my body struggling under the weight of the pregnancy. I could see the toll it was taking on Hugo, Amber, and everyone around me, and it pained me to feel so helpless.

One night, as I lay in bed, Hugo by my side, I felt a sudden sharp pain. I gasped, clutching my belly, and Hugo's eyes widened in alarm.

"Sofia, what's wrong?" he asked urgently, his voice tinged with panic.

"I...I don't know," I whispered, the pain intensifying.

He sprang into action, calling for the physicians. Within moments, the room was filled with people, their faces grim and focused. As the pain continued, fear gripped me – something was wrong.

The head physician, Dr. Elara, examined me quickly. "We need to act fast," she said, her voice steady but urgent. "The baby is coming early. We need to prepare for an emergency delivery."

Panic surged through me, but Hugo's presence anchored me. "Sofia, you're going to be alright," he said, his voice firm. "We're here with you. Just hold on."

Amber's POV:

The palace was thrown into a frenzy as preparations for an emergency delivery began. The corridors buzzed with activity, and I could feel the tension in the air. Zandar and James coordinated efforts, ensuring everything was in place.

As I stood outside Sofia's room, my heart pounded with fear. I prayed silently, hoping for a miracle. The minutes felt like hours, and all I could do was wait, feeling utterly powerless.

Hugo's POV:

The room was a blur of activity as the medical team worked tirelessly. I held Sofia's hand, my heart breaking at the sight of her in so much pain.

"You're doing great, Sofia," I whispered, trying to keep my voice steady. "Just a little longer. You can do this."

The hours dragged on, and finally, a cry pierced the air. Relief and joy surged through me as I realized our baby had arrived. But the relief was short-lived as I looked at Sofia, her face pale and exhausted.

Dr. Elara carefully handed our tiny daughter to a nurse before turning to me. "Hugo, we need to take Sofia to the intensive care unit. She's very weak, but we're doing everything we can."

I nodded, my eyes filled with tears. "Please, save her."

Sofia's POV:

I fought to stay conscious, the sounds around me fading in and out. I caught a glimpse of our baby, her tiny face scrunched up as she cried, and it filled me with a fierce determination.

"Hugo," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Take care of her. Promise me."

He squeezed my hand, his eyes filled with love and fear. "I promise, Sofia. I promise."

As they wheeled me away, I clung to that promise, fighting with every ounce of strength I had left. I had to survive – for Hugo, for Amber, for our baby. The future of our family depended on it.

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