01. "Valley Fest"

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I was currently getting ready to go to the Valley Fest this year with my sister, Daisy.

"Y/n, hurry up before I leave without you!" Daisy yelled.
I quickly yelled back, "Give me a second!"

As much as that girl irritated me, she was my only ride so I couldn't piss her off that much. As I was trying to get my makeup done quickly, I started thinking of Robby again. I sighed. I remembered I was still waiting for a reply when I asked him if he wanted to come to the Valley Fest with Daisy and me. I finished putting on my mascara and went to get my sneakers.

"Y/n hurry up, I'm going to the car!"
I rolled my eyes and yelled back, "I said give me one minute, geez!"

I rush to put on my sneakers and I make my way to Daisy's car. I get in the passenger seat and I close the door. I gave her a look and rolled my eyes once more as I questioned Daisy.

"Why were you rushing me so much?"

Daisy sighed and bit the inside of her cheek. "I'm meeting someone at the Valley Festival so...I had to"

I blinked at her, as much as I wanted to hit her, I wasn't able to since she was driving. I shook my head at her and leaned against the seat, looking out the window. I look at my phone to see if Robby ever texted me back and: nothing. Is he avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Nah, that didn't even sound right. Why didn't we hang out all summer? I mean, I know he's working now and he's doing karate and I'm happy for him but..for fucks sake, I am his girlfriend! I deserve attention too. I let my thoughts get the best of me, again.

"Y/n..is Robby gonna be at the Valley Fest?" Daisy asked, keeping her eyes on the road.
I looked at Daisy then back to the window, "I'm not super sure, I texted him earlier but he never replied to me.." I sighed and made my answer short and sweet, not really wanting to talk about him. Daisy realized this, she kinda caught on that Robby has been being a bit weird lately but she chose to say nothing of it.


Daisy parked in the parking lot and we both got out. As we go to the Valley festival every year, we usually played some games and talked with people we knew. Hours went by and we were watching all these kinds of performances. After one of the performers was finished, the host went to the microphone and spoke.

"Now don't I have a treat for you guys tonight. We have a special performance tonight by Miyagi-Do Karate! Please turn your attention to the LaRusso Auto Group Booth!"

Everyone clapped, except me. I realized the name, "Miyagi-Do". It was the dojo Robby was now all caught up in. I sighed and turned my head to look at the booth the lady took everyone to look at. Of course, he was already there. I was obviously kinda upset since we haven't spoken to one another for at least a couple days, it was getting annoying. I watched him performing, a part of me was proud of him for doing so great but the other part was still pissed he couldn't have sent a one word reply to me at all today. As I was watching the performance unfold, the girl who had long brunette hair and blue eyes who was also on stage with Robby was giving him those kinda eyes. You know? The ones people make when your head over heels for someone. I wasn't stupid, I was seeing this happen right in front of me, it looked like Robby was too dumb to figure it out though. I had enough, I was about to leave to go somewhere else but suddenly there was screaming?

"Cobra Kai!" Some group said. They were hella loud.

My eyes widened as I heard this obnoxious group. I figured they were some karate dojo since they were all wearing gis just like the Miyagi-Do Dojo were. They went on the main stage, everyone followed. They were way more energetic and entertaining. These people knew how to put on a show. They were fighting and everything. It all happened in a blink of an eye. I looked back over at the LaRusso booth and realized Robby was suddenly gone, nowhere to be seen. Shocker. I tried looking for a minute more but, no hope. I shook my head and got my phone out to text Robby, it said :

"Hey, I saw you were performing at the Valley Fest. You did really good until those people decided to interrupt you. Can we talk?"

I sent that and turned my phone back off and placed it in my pocket. I just wanted to go home at this point and try and call Robby instead. I found Daisy and we both went home. It was a quiet car ride. As soon as we went home, I quickly went to my bedroom and closed my door. I sat in my chair and stared at the text message I sent Robby earlier, I bit my lip. I just want him to be okay. I want us to be okay.

...I decided to call him.

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