02. "Better Left Unsaid"

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I decided to call him...


After a couple of rings, he answered.

I was completely stunned to even hear his voice since we haven't talked for a long while.

"Hey Robby! What's up, how is everything? I missed you."  I said this while smiling. I missed him big time, I know I couldn't get on his case about each other not talking but it had to be said sooner or later.

Robby sighed, "It's been okay, Y/n. I missed you too."

I noticed Robby was more dry than usual but I know I just couldn't give up. "You alright?" I asked, my voice full with worry.

"Well I was alright today, until that stupid Cobra Kai decided to take over our stupid performance and just act like jerks" Robby spat out, he sounded annoyed.

"Oh I mean, you still did really good though!" I tried to say, making him feel a little bit better. "I don't know much about all of this karate drama but, I'm sure everything is going to be okay Robby. Just stay hopeful."

Robby sighed again on the other line, I could tell he was still annoyed of today.

"So, Robby...there's this party sometime next week and I wanna know if you'll come with? It can be a mini date night for us since we haven't had time to hang out this whole summer" with hope in my heart, I am wishing he will say yes.

"Maybe Y/n, I might be busy with work and what not but, I'll let you know, I promise."

I sighed. It wasn't the answer I wanted but, at least it was something? "Ok...well I'm gonna go Robby, I'll call again tomorrow. Love you" I hung up the phone. I guess it was a bit petty of me to do that but..the least he can do is hang out with me. I am his girlfriend after all. I sighed and put my phone on the charger and got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My thoughts still full of Robby. It felt like some things are better left unsaid with Robby. I couldn't help but feel suspicious of him now, suddenly moving in with the LaRusso's. I understand he needed help and he got it, I'm happy for him. But now not wanting to even hang out with me. It was just weird and I'm gonna figure it out. Summer was coming to an end and I just wanted to make sure my boyfriend was still on my side. I wish I was just overthinking this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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