"Suck my dick."

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Sanemi's POV:
Me and Giyuu and have enemies since middle school. Today was our first day of high school and I can't say I liked it but I made some friends like...

Tengen some weird dude who has like 3 girlfriends. Rengoku his best friend that's super loud. And Obanai the dude who carries a snake around. I mean I like Obanai because he isn't weird but he is in a way.

But Tengen and Rengoku are a different story. Anyways I was walking the halls and I came across Giyuu with some purple haired girl that kept poking him.

He look really annoyed but he didn't say anything to stop her.

I went past them and hit him with my shoulder because why not? "The fuck Sanemi." He turned around and said."

The purple haired girl stopped poking him and looked shock when he spoke.

"What?" I said grinning. He looked really mad and annoyed. "At least apologize for hitting someone dumbass"

He said and then turned around and left. The girl then followed and said something to him.

{Timeskip to Lunch}

I walked to the bathroom to see Giyuu fixing his hair. He looked more calm than he did before.

I went up to him because I felt like teasing him for a bit.

"You seem less bitchy then earlier" I whispered his ear. He jumped and blushed.

"The fuck Sanemi! Why are you whispering in my ear" he yelled at me.

"Why are you blushing?" I teased him more. "Fuck off!" He yelled still blushing

I laughed. "Who was that girl earlier?" I asked since I was wondering. "Who?"
He asked.

"The girl with purple hair and butterfly pin" I said. "Oh. She's some annoying girl." He said.

"You sure she ain't ur girlfriend" I teased him again. "Ew no I like guys dumbass" he said. "Oh really? Then why don't you suck my dick." I teased.

He blushed. "Glady" he said and then walked out. I blushed since it caught me off guard

"Wait what!" I said before grabbing his arm before he completely walked out.

"We're you being serious?" I said still blushing and then he answered "no. I'd rather suck someone's else's dick then my enemies"

He then took his hand away and left. I felt really embarrassment so I left and sat with my new friends.

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