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Giyuu POV:
Today was my first day at my office job. I was pretty nervous since the boss was pretty much of a bitch but I was only told this.

I walked in and was greeted by a purple haired girl wearing a butterfly clip at the front desk.

"Hello" I say nervously. "Hello! May I have your first and last name?" She says.

"Giyuu Tomkia" I said. She types it up in her computer and looks back at me. " Nice to meet you Giyuu and welcome!"

She said. "Likewise." I replied with. "I'll have someone come over and give you a tour" she answered before she called up someone.

5 mintues after the call a girl with pink and green hair comes up to me looking very cheerful.

"Hello! I'm Mitsuri and tour you around today!"

She said in the most cheerful I've ever heard. "Im Giyuu."

We started the tour and she was a really good tour guide. She showed me the office and I meet some people like somes guys name Rengoku and Tengen.

There was also this guy named obanai that was pretty cold to me. I also found out the girls name at the desk was Shinbou.

Then we were getting to the end of the tour until Mitsuri paused and turned to me.

"We can't go passed this Hallway so this means our turn ends!" Before she could walk off I asked something

"Why" I asked? I was confused since the hallway only had two rooms and from what I could read one was a assistant's room

"Because that room going straight is the bosses office" she said. "He's nice sometimes but he's office is a big no no.

She answered to my question. "Ohhh"
I said. "But since you're new you have too"

She said. "Wait why? I thought I wasn't suppose to" I asked confused.

"i didn't go there on my first day but when I was called I was also told to bring you to the boss" she said

"Sorry! I swear it's not my fault!" mitsuri apologized and then quickly hurried away.

I gulped and start walking towards the office. I opened the door and walked in.

There was a man in a suit with white hair and a bunch of scars in him. Like so many it's basically covering his whole body.

I sat down and then the man spoke. "You're the new worker?" He asked

I nod since I was too scared to reply. "Well behave and don't fucking cause me trouble"

Damn he was so ordering. "Okay" I replied. "Good now come here" he said in a very aggressive voice.

I walked over and then he pushes him into his lap and started to kiss me.

{this will have part 2 but I feel like this made no sense 😭}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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