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"Everything you know is a lie. You are next. Don't dig much, trust no one, and run back to your country."

Ishan's blood ran cold. He read the note again, disbelief and fear washing over him. What did this mean? Who could have sent this? His mind raced with possibilities, each more sinister than the last.

Everything he thought he knew seemed to crumble around him. Was this connected to Raj? To Shubman? The photograph flashed in his mind again, adding to his mounting paranoia. He felt trapped in a web of secrets and lies, unsure of whom to trust.

Ishan ran outside to the gateman, his heart pounding with fear.

"Who sent the parcel? Was it a boy, a man? Did he wear any costume?" he demanded.

"Sir, it was just left at the gate. I didn’t notice when it came. It had your name on it, so I thought you ordered something," the gateman replied, looking bewildered.

"CC-TV, does the CCTV at the gate cover the whole road?" Ishan asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Yes, Sir," the gateman confirmed.

"Check it. I want to see who delivered it," Ishan ordered, his mind racing.

The gateman quickly sat down to check the CCTV footage, but after a few moments of fumbling with the controls, he looked up with a troubled expression.

"Sir,... the camera... I think it's disturbed, spoiled!" the gateman stammered.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! What is your job? Why is it not checked properly? Do we keep you here to sleep?" Ishan shouted, his frustration boiling over.

The gateman flinched, clearly taken aback by Ishan's outburst. "I’m really sorry, Sir. I didn't know. I'll get it fixed immediately," he mumbled, scrambling to his feet.

Ishan turned away, running his hands through his hair, his mind a chaotic mess.Who could be behind this? Why now? And what did they mean by "Everything you know is a lie"? The warning to "trust no one" echoed ominously in his mind.

Just then, Ishan got a call from Aditi.

"Hey, how are you?" she asked, her voice warm and familiar.

"I am fine," Ishan replied, trying to sound normal despite the turmoil inside.

"You seemed distracted, Ishan. Anything happened?" she probed gently.

"A lot, apparently. I will tell you when we meet," Ishan said, not wanting to dive into it over the phone.

"Evening?" she suggested.

"Okay," he agreed. "What's that noise?"

"That? My aunt adopted a stray dog," Aditi explained, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Oh, okay. Take care then," Ishan said, managing a small smile.

As he ended the call, two kids came running and hugged Ishan. They were his uncle's daughters, who had come for Ishan and Aditi's wedding.

"Ish uncle, how are you?" they chorused, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Hey! When did you two get here?" Ishan asked, kneeling down to their level.

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