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The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the garden where Aditi, Shubman, and Shahneel sat around a tea table. The atmosphere was heavy with tension. Ishan's uncle, visibly exhausted, was hunched over his laptop, constantly making calls and typing messages. His bloodshot eyes bore evidence of sleepless night.

Beside him sat his wife, staring blankly into space. Her eyes were void of any emotion, save for the silent tears that streamed down her cheeks.

"Have you guys found anything?" Ishan's uncle asked, his voice strained and weary. "About anyone? Ishan or..." His voice cracked, threatening to break into a sob, "my daughters?"

"No, Uncle. I'm sorry, but we're trying our best," Aditi replied gently.

Just then, Ishan's uncle received a video message. He quickly played it on the laptop, and the screen lit up with the faces of his daughters.

"Hi, Dad-Mom. Are you guys worried about us? Don't be. We're at our friend Ridhima's house. We'll come back by tomorrow. We're safe, don't worry. Love you," the girls said cheerfully.

Everyone watched the video intently. Ishan's uncle played it again, scrutinizing every detail.

"There, it's solved then. They might have seen a friend and gotten excited, so they went with them," Aditi suggested.

"It's a morphed video. They are not my daughters," Ishan's uncle said, his voice resolute.

"What? What makes you say that?" Shubman asked, confused.

"Didn't you see the video was glitching? It's someone else talking, and then it's replicated with AI!" Ishan's uncle explained.

"I'm sure the glitch is just a net issue, Uncle. I think you're overthinking," Aditi said, trying to calm him down.

"No, I am not! Why don't you guys believe me? I know the difference between a net issue and a morphed video," Ishan's uncle insisted, his frustration growing.

"Of course you do," Shubman said, exchanging a meaningful look with Shahneel.

Without a word, Shahneel slipped out of the garden and returned a few minutes later with the daughters in tow.

"Dad, Mom!" The girls ran to their parents, who enveloped them in tight, tearful hugs.

Ishan's uncle and aunt cried, overwhelmed with relief. "Take them inside," Ishan's uncle said to his wife, who guided the girls into the house.

As soon as they were alone, Ishan's uncle turned to Shubman and Aditi, his expression darkening. "What is this?" he demanded, anger simmering in his voice.

"That's our question too," Shubman replied coldly. "We just gave you a taste of your own medicine."

"What do you mean?" Ishan's uncle asked, his eyes narrowing.

"How do you know about the glitch difference so confidently?" Shubman asked.

"Because my business is in the IT sector? This is basically our job. We are working on glitching issues in the new version of AI," Ishan's uncle responded, his voice steady but defensive.

"Liar!" Shubman shot back. "Look at these videos." He pulled out his phone and showed him the video calls he had received. "Someone called me and Ishan, claiming to be Raj. This Raj curses exactly like you do!"

Ishan's uncle watched the videos carefully, his face an inscrutable mask. "You think I kidnapped Ishan?"

"Who else?" Shubman retorted.

"I think of them as my own sons since their parents died! And you guys accuse me of kidnapping him based on a swear word? Have you ever considered that someone might be trying to impersonate me to divert attention?" Ishan's uncle's voice rose, filled with hurt and indignation.

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