Chapter 1: The Arrival's at Rivendell

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Y/N waited anxiously outside the chamber where Gandalf was being tended to for his wounds. She sat on a small wooden stool, her gaze fixed on the doorway opposite to her. Through the partially open door, she glimpsed Elrond tending to a small hobbit. While she observed the lord Elrond at work the whispers of passing elves soon reached her ears; they spoke of an ancient weapon here in Rivendell and the dreaded 'Witch-king of Angmar'. The mere mention of the Nazgûl sent shivers down her spine, but to think a hobbit had faced not just any wraith, but the Witch-king himself was entirely more frightening.

A voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Ho na- awake, mylady. Cin tur- see hon hi." (He is awake, my lady. You can see him now.)

She sprang from her seat, nodding gratefully to the elven healer. Entering the room with haste, her heart pounded with desperation to see her friend. Gandalf sat upright in his bed, his eyes glazed and weary. A tired smile graced his lips at her presence. She took a chair beside his bed, gently holding his wrinkled hand in hers.

For a moment, she simply sat, smiling at him, content in his company. Then her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of his healing wounds. She frowned, "What happened, Mithrandir? You were expected a week ago."

"I was delayed," he paused, sorrow shadowing his features. "My dear friend, Saruman..." He looked down, defeated. "He has been corrupted." He met her eyes, taking a moment to compose himself. "Long has his obsession with the Rings of Power clouded his mind, but I did not foresee his desire for knowledge turning him against everything he once stood for. My trusted friend betrayed me when I sought his guidance and wisdom."

"I am sorry, Gandalf," she whispered, her voice laden with sorrow. She tilted her head, her eyes reflecting his pain, and waited patiently for him to continue.

"Saruman the White was the first of the Istari (wizards), and I looked up to him. But the will of evil is growing within Middle-earth. I fear Saruman is only the first of many once honorable and great figures to succumb to the darkness rising in the lands to the South." Recognizing the growing concern in the she-elf's face at the mention of the Southlands, the wizard placed his other hand weakly upon hers and smiled comfortingly. "Do not worry so, my friend. The ring is here, safe and hidden from the enemy for now. You should rest your mind. I have heard from the healer that you have not left my side for 4 days straight, whether it be in this chair or the one outside my door. I thank you and ask that you now rest and if not for yourself, then for this old man."

He took her hand in both of his and lightly squeezed them encouragingly, gesturing with his head toward the door. She nodded and took her leave.

"I hope you feel well enough to walk tomorrow, Gandalf. I would like to take a stroll and catch up properly; I'm sure you have a plan for the ring I should like to hear" she remarked, giving him a warm smile before quietly closing the door behind her.

It was October 23rd in Rivendell, and the trees, once verdant, were now painted with breathtaking layers of gold, amber, and crimson, their leaves swaying in gently in the breeze. Crisp scents of fallen leaves and damp earth mingled in the air, while birdsong and woodland whispers filled the surroundings. As she strolled, the afternoon sun gently kissed her skin through the dappling of leaves. Her eyes betrayed by weariness - having not truly rested for four consecutive days - hung gently on the scenery surrounding her and though, her intention was to return to her chambers, she found herself drawn to the grand Rivendell library.

Inside, the glow of a magnificent fireplace beckoned, casting warm light upon rows of books, each bound beautifully in leather and adorned with mighty jewels. "Now, this is a proper collection of books," she thought, her fingers gliding smoothly along the shelves. Before she could delve into her search for a worthy read, a small creak behind her drew her attention. Whipping her head around on instinct, she locked eyes with a tall brunette man. He raised his hands in a gesture of non-threat, understanding he may have startled her.

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