2. Missing Her

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I have very few friends, the ones that I have, I wish I could say I cherish them. But I haven't been very good in social settings. So making new friends is something scary but ultimately exciting. My 4th period class, which is Geography and my last class of my day. I only have a few friends, the main one is Avery, whom I met the semester prior. She's the type of girl that you can easily get along with and it felt like I've known her for ages. She had curly hair which she always puts in a ponytail, she refuses to use technology to do her work yet is on snapchat 24/7. She tends to be sarcastic in a friendly way and you'll hear her listen to rap 24/7. Anyways I thought everything was normal going into Geography on Thursday January 19th...

"Chris! Two minutes late!" Avery exclaims sarcastically while I walk in, moving my head towards the clock '1:02' it reads. I scuff as I go to sit at my seat. I get reminded of how lonely I feel, sure I'm sitting beside Avery but it's different. It's different without Tori.

Avery starts to talk about her boyfriend and what went down with them. I look at our desk missing the pink binder that would normally be there. Sure it was an obnoxious binder, but it brought comfort. Funny how she would get to Geo before me, and it's not even her class.


"Hello?" She tilts her head, "sorry what," I keep my eyes fixed on that part of the desk as I move my head responding. "Are you down to come?"

"Huh" I say finally looking at her, "Me, Ella, Kayla, Amelia, Lukas, Aiden, Mark and Tori once she gets back?"

I still don't understand what she's saying. All the names don't comprehend in my head but I hear Toris name and I'm reminded how she's gone again. Why do I miss a friend this much? "Sorry, what are we doing?" I'm totally lost, "Party at Ella's house?" She leans closer and gets quieter... "With the good stuff."


I finally understand what she wants. All our friends are getting boyfriends and bragging about it, they hooked me up with a kid named Mark. We haven't met in person yet but I think he's super sweet. But for some reason I don't feel anything when I talk to him. I don't care about any of that stuff though, neither does Tori.

"I guess," I shift uncomfortably in my seat, looking at the clock waiting for this lesson to start. I know the kind of stupid things they wanna do at that party. I don't mind the drinks or smoking, I just hate the kind of drinking games they like to play. I hate the way they try to get involved in my love life, not that I have one. Especially if Mark is there, which I can't admit I don't have any feelings for.

"Okay this Saturday then, and bring any substance you can." She giggles, focusing her attention on the teacher who starts to begin her lesson.


The teacher starts her lesson, she gets through a bit before I feel my phone vibrate. I ignore it.


I try to focus, and write my notes but I can still feel my phone going off in my lap. I glance at Avery who is concentrated on the board beside me.

I pick it up.

Tori <3
sent you a Snap  •  🔥

I click on the notification on the lock screen, and it pops up the same notification about 10 more times underneath it, all from the past 5 minutes. Why is she spamming me?

I obviously open the app to see she has sent me a video, I click on it and freeze.

I watch without being able to move, instead I slightly move my eyes to Avery who is still unaware. I gulp looking closer to the video...

That's when the panic attack started.

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